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After our very short and frustrating conversation, he sighed and went into his room.

"Sheesh, what a dick" i think to my self, as i let myself into my own room.

Not going to lie, but he was very good looking, definitely my type, but i would rather date Bakugou who would probably have a better personality to this purple hair mess.

I snap myself from my own thoughts, what am i thinking, I would never date this dude, he's probably not even into guys or some sad shit like that.

I really need to stop moping and thinking about the new upgrade student.

And with a sign, i remember the English assignment president mic gave the class and I could physically feel my whole body droop. Thinking about this assignment makes me feel drained and I haven't even started it.

"Well this assignment isn't going to do itself" I tried to reassure myself.

And with that, i sat down at my desk, pulled my laptop out and watched some memes. "Yeah...screw this assignment, I don't get paid enough for this... wait... I don't get paid... and I have to work...why am I paying the school to teach me stuff I will never use." My thoughts keep at this pace, I think about how you can actually drown goldfish, how you are supposed to spend a 1/3 of your life sleeping and yet schools don't even allow us to have a sleep, how easy it would be for me to join the league of villains- wait..what? What a quick end to my train of thoughts.

Okay, I will admit that I am unhappy at UA but I would never betray my cruel, harsh and rash friends... but they need to be taught a lesson. Maybe... hopefully, the UA traitor will get rid of them.......why can't we just check CCTV to find out who it is. Boy. Girl. No gender. Gay. Straight. Bisexual. Asexual. I will love them like Misa-Misa loved Light Yagami. I will help them. I will find out who it is. And we can fool this place together.

That the fuck am I thinking. Have I gone mad? I can't throw my hero carer out the window before it even starts. Plus, there are way more risks being a villain. And no pay.

Before I knew it, the thought where enclosing my mind as I got ready for bed. It didn't even slow as I climbed into bed, but thankfully I wore my brain out, I felt my eyes closing, I wasn't going to stop sleep. My eyes went dark and I had fallen into the land of numbness.


When morning approached, I heard my alarm blare in my ears.


I hit my my phone with my elbow and the alarm stops playing it's pokemon ear-rape.

As I peel the blankets off of my bare skin, cold attacks at every part of my body. A slow and steady chill worked it's way up my spine.

After my boring morning routine of having a shower. brushing my hair and teeth, getting dressed and applying some makeup. I head downstairs to see the worst of my class mates yelling at the only good person here, Kirishima.


"A-sorry Bakugou, no need to yell man, yelling ain't manly."

Kirishima shouldn't have to apologise. Kirishima is here to learn to save people, not to blow anything up that comes near him.

Not because he wants to be number one (Bakugou),

or for his parents delight (Todoroki)

or to perv on girls (Mineta)

Or for money (Uraraka)

Or to just make friends (Mina)

To show off (Aoyama)

To become they're idol (Midoriya)

To be like they're brother (Iida)

No! Kirishima, Kirishima deserves to be number one. He's honest and kind. And the only good person here.

(Kami looks up to his best friend)

Well, after being interrupted in my day by that hiccup, I made my way to english again.

As I day dream my day away through the lesson, my eyes wandered to a blob of purple hair. Over and over and over again, I catch myself staring at him. His hair looked like a lavender fluff ball, I just wanted to run my han- no. I will not fall on my knees for some boy who could compete with Bakugou in a glare off... but his intense purple orbs, absorbed me in completely... wait!! Purple orbs?! Shit! Maybe I've taken this too far.

He caught me staring. I feel my whole face catch fire. As if Todoroki was sitting next to me. No screw that. Like fucking Endeavour was sitting next to me, raging.

Then he did something I didn't expect.

He sent me a note. Well, not me. He started writing a note. And then passed it along the rows. I was behind him by two and to the left by three.

And that's where the note ended up. On my desk. With my name on it.

Cautiously, I pick up and unravel the note.

"I can feel your eyes burning my head, stop staring pretty boy"

H-he thinks I have a pretty face?! Wow. That's a first. I usually get dumbass or something like that. So, as quick as I could, I wrote back to him,

"Sorry I have wandering eyes when I'm lost in thought. And you think I'm pretty?"

I sent it back with a huge smile on my face. And for once in my life. I could actually hear and understand what the teacher was saying. I don't know what this purple blob was doing to me. Maybe some good..finally.

Soon the note was returned to my desk and I have to admit, I felt my stomach do a flip. The butterfly's inside my body where ripping at my internal skin and organs.

"With a face like that, of course. Bet you have all the girls... or maybe, you have all the guys"

I felt my whole face heat up. H-he can't just write that and think everything is going to be okay. Does he understand what he just accused me of? He basically asked if I was gay or if I was straight. I don't know how to play this. Mina would know what to do. She has always been good with this sort of thing. But that would make her a shit hero, always focusing on love and who would go with who.

I really need to stop. I can't think bad about everyone. I'm a hero in training ...not a villain.

I think I'm going to tell Shinso I'm gay. I mean, it isn't a secret and I am basically the definition of gay. And if he doesn't like it, fuck him.

"Yeah, well I attract nothing, I wish to attract boys, but, alas, no one here is good enough... or no one likes me like that"

And with that, I sent the note. Maybe this could blossom into something more. Maybe he likes boys too. I really hope he does.



A/N so like, i dont know why, but this took a very long time to write, maybe because I don't have time.




I haven't heard these songs in ages

the issue with the world (Shinso x kamimari)Where stories live. Discover now