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Denki's pov

I couldn't feel my face. Actually. I can't feel any part of me other than the throbbing pounding of my heart.  Shinsos voice rang loud in my ears. His going violet eyes tracing the paper ever so carefully.

"This is me, right?" He asks with a smile that slowly tug at his pale face.

My brain can't even process what's being said. Never mind thinking of a response. The only thing I could say was :



After a good 10 minutes, I was back to normal. Shinso took care of me, from the moment I blacked out, to the moment I woke up again. Yet, he still had the same questions as before

"This is me, right?" He asked again, his voice shocked and confused, "but why draw me?"

I didn't even know how to respond, I mean it's embarrassing enough that he had to help me during a brain jam, and now he's fully studied the drawing of him.

"I mean, it is you. And I'm not sure why I drew you. I just had inspiration, and you where the muse" I said. In the most honest way I could. I find it impossible to lie to him. He would just know anyway. I mean I think he would. Because realistically, I'm not a good liar, I've just been doing it for so long that people have gotten used to it.

"I was your muse? How? I mean I'm not even that good looking, I don't look drawable?" He said, running a hand through his hair as he smiles nervously.

What does he mean he's not good looking? I think he's perfect. From the deep colour of his eye bags on his pale skin, to the colour of his hair to the colour of his eyes.

"I guess" I say. I feel sick with nerves, he must think I'm such a creep. I've spoken to him like 3 times and yet I still decided he was my muse and that I would draw him, even worse, draw him without asking him if I could. God I'm a creep.

"I think you're talented Kaminari. This is amazing" he says with an honest smile as he steps towards me. He look through my eyes and into my soul. It felt like he could read my mind.

He steps closer to me. I didn't move back. Everything in my mind is screaming at me to back up as he steps forward.

The back of my knees hit his bed. He places his hand on my neck.


That was the voice of Aizawa. And I'm screwed. Oh I should of though of everything before I did that to bakugou. I knew there would be consequences.

Shinso wrapped his arms around me. One around my waist and the other around my neck. A bro hug. He smelled sweet. Like coffee, but sweet coffee. I hugged him back, I was the first to let go.

I did the walk of shame to the door and opened it. I saw a very angry teacher on the other side.

Pray for me.


Here i sit. In the classroom. With Mic, Aizawa and Nezu.

"Do you understand how serious this is?" Aizawa said, a disappointed tone in his voice and he held the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

"You're lucky bakugou is alive, conscious and not looking to press charges" says nezu. I've never spoken to nezu so I can't tell if he is that disappointed. But he seemed to be smiling?

"But if we don't want to send you to another school, you're going to need to give us a good reason as to why you did what you did" says mic. His tone unchanging. He seemed sincere. Like he doesn't want me to go.

I don't say anything. I look down at my fingers. I felt guilty.

I'm lying. I don't feel guilty. He deserved what he got. I just feel guilty because that's how I should feel. And I know I should feel guilty.

"Denki.. I know you're not like this. This is the first strike on your record. We have had no issues with you. And the first time you act out, and it's serious" Aizawa says. Crouching down to my level. And placed a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him. And I felt a warm tear fall down my face. And I spill. I tell them everything.

Every name. Every comment. Everything. And how today was my limit. Today I snapped.

And once I was done. I was full on crying. Aizawa looked at me, his sleepless eyes full of sympathy.

"Denki, you know that's bullying right. Why didn't you come forward with this sooner" mic said, all the anger and disappointment fled his voice.

"Because I didn't think anyone would believe me, I didn't think anyone would ever stand up for me, but that new kid, Shinso, made me see that I was being treated unfairly and it made me snap." I said. I was right. I knew no one would believe me. But maybe they do. Maybe these teachers will.

"That's enough for today" says nezu. "We can continue this tomorrow, we will, in the meantime, gather witnesses, get statements and check cameras. Aizawa, speak to your son and find out what he's seen. And denki, you can go, but just know, we will get to the bottom of this." Nezu said.

And I got up, wiped my tears and left the room. I felt free. I felt weightless. I finally got that out of my system. And it feels really good.

I work my way to my room, everyone must have been sent to their own rooms because you could hear a pin drop. The halls, classrooms, the kitchen, the dorm tv and sofa. It's all empty.

When I got to my room and checked my phone I realised I had over 50+ messages. From everyone, ranging from school peers, parents and even childhood friends who will have found out through my parents.

I face plank my bed. I don't even bother to check the messages. I just allow myself to rest. I fall asleep to the memory of shinso's smile.


1049 words

A/N I'm back biatches.

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