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It's 3:20am and I am running on three monsters, I also couldn't be bothered to proof read but here I am for the 7 reads I have.

Denki's PoV

Tapping my foot, impatient, tap tap tap. I slowly realise I'm tapping along to a song. What's the name again? Ah! It's called thunder. If you haven't noticed, I'm anxiously awaiting my reply of off Shinso. I know its only been about 30 seconds. But to me, it feels like forever.

After what felt like an eternity, the small note was placed on my desk again.

"What a shame. They don't know what they are missing out on. But I guess that makes two of us, no boys are good enough for me, or they don't have the balls to talk to me"

I felt my heart do a summersault and the butterflies in my stomach have come in for the attack. So he is completely perfect and gay. Is God actually shining down on me today? Has he seen my suffering and realised that I need something good before I actually join the league of villains. This purple haired boy, might be my reason for wanting to live as a hero

After being all caught up in my own thoughts, I hadn't realised the bell had gone and that the whole class was leaving for break. But Mina's voice cut through the barrier connecting me to the real world and my thoughts with her voice.

"Denks? You okay man?"

"W-what?! Yes I'm perfectly fine." I replied, still half asleep from my day dream.

"So, what do you think about the new boy, he's hot right?" Mina asks, her voice pitching higher with every word. She has always been like this, romance this, love that. If you want to be involved with love, why don't you become an author? I've already voiced what I think about Mina so I think I will leave her and her obsession with love alone. Although it is creepy.

"I think he is okay looking" I reply, trying not to show so much interest in what she was saying or what I was saying. but with Mina, she always knows everything. Its actually quite scary.

"Hey, I'm sure I saw you two passing notes to each other, and that you where both staring at each other. What do you take me for? An idiot?" Yes Mina, I take you for the biggest idiot I have ever met. And that is coming from the boy who short circuits half of the time and is seen as the class dunce.

"Fine, I think he is a little cute, but the note was mainly about the fact he moved next to my dorm." I said, hoping to steer her away from the topic of me thinking Shinso is cute. When you get in the hero course, and hate it, you learn to lie to perfection. That's how I got Mina to believe me. Because when you perfect lying, there isn't anyone who can find out, not even the greatest detectives.

"Wait he moved in next to you? This is awesome! You will be able to get a boyfriend. Isn't that what you have wanted for ages?" Mina asked. I don't even want to be with anyone, I don't know why she can't get it into her head that I'm happy studying on being the best, I just don't know what best I want to be yet. Best hero, best villain. And I've never been into relationships, they just weigh you down.

I mean sure,I flirted with Jiro as a joke, as I knew she was gay, at least I think she is. But everyone grew to think I actually liked her, so I went along with it. Like I said, I'm a great liar.

"Oi, racoon eyes, dunce face, do you want lunch or not?" Bakugou's angry voice boomed from the other side of the room. Bakugou has never been patient. I mean, I can't say much, but he can't even wait for 5 minutes. But then again, I am thankful he pulled me away from the conversation with Mina. Only down side is, I now have to listen to Bakugou's obsession with Midoriya and how he is going to beat that 'damn nerd'. These people are the reason I don't want to become a hero. Like they say, never meet your idols.

But off to the lunch hall we go.


a/n that was super short but to be honest I don't really care. Its now 3:51 and I am about to finish my third can of monster. But one last thing before I pass out, I just want to say thank you to there stories inspired me to carry on writing so thank you. Here is a new song for you

song- https://youtu.be/25lfvGJnj60 (if you are ever feel sad or over whelmed my messages on here are open =})

tik tok compilation because I am a simp- https://youtu.be/NsCWeGRzffw

bye my beans have an amazing day <3

Edit: Me the person who is not the author is suffering proof reading this, it's like they suddenly learned grammar

the issue with the world (Shinso x kamimari)Where stories live. Discover now