Denki's pov:

Just knock on his door. Worst thing he can do is not open it.

It's around 5:35 in the morning. But he said he doesn't sleep right? I mean what if he is and I'm disturbing him. But what if he's not?

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear footsteps.

I thought the adults stopped in dorm patrol at 2:00am? Why are they here?

I rush back to my door and close the door, but before I do, I take a peep outside to see who it is. I had a bad feeling about whoever was out there and Curiosity killed the cat. And my heart too I guess.

I felt it sink as I saw Shinso walk passed my door. I close it slightly, and about 10 seconds later, I hear his door close.

What was he doing out so early?

He did say to bakugou that he likes to go on walks because he can't sleep. But why so early? I thought he meant walks at like 2/3:00 am.

Everyone different I guess.

But I can't shake that bad feeling. Was Shinso in danger? Was Shinso hurt?

Wait. What I'd Shinso IS the danger. I mean, we know we have a traitor and we know it's one of the students. But we don't know what class or year.

We have to assume it's someone on the hero's training course. Everyone believes it's someone in my class. And I sadly have to agree, there's too much hinting to our class.

After my thoughts I try sleep one my time. It doesn't work. There's too much on my mind. I end up just watching my bedside clock until my phone alarm rang.

I got up and dressed and was second down to breakfast.


He's cooking something that smells really good. But I don't want to see him right now. He spent the whole of yesterday in recovery girls office and is now allowed back to classes. I try and sneak past the kitchen. But alas, the gods wanted a show and make a a plastic cup hit the floor.

I curse at myself.

"Dunc- I mean, Kaminari? What are you doing up so early?" Bakugou asked. Rather politely. But that doesn't excuse the fact he almost called me dunce face again.

"Couldn't sleep. Wanted coffee" I say, I walk over to the coffee maker, I didn't want coffee but it would be awkward to walk to the kitchen and walk back after he had seen me.

"Listen, I wanted to apologise for my behaviour" bakugou says with a sigh, I can tell he means it but I don't really want him to talk to me right now.

After I said nothing back, after I didn't even turn to look at him, he carried on, "I didn't realise that you would have been so hurt by the things that I had said, and I didn't see the consequences of my actions"

He wouldn't have said any of this if I hadn't spoken up about it, though I do have to admit, I kind of only did this to get myself out of trouble, using self defence in this was the only way out of it, I can't be cast away for this, and it definitely won't be cast away because of this evil "hero".

"It's whatever I don't care" I said back, still with my back turned to him. By this time I'd already made my coffee and was already drinking it, I needed something other to focus on, rather focus on the burn than his burning words.

"Just wanted to let you know" he said with a scoff, he knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with me today.

I already have alot on my mind, so his apology will have to wait until I figure out what's going on with Shinso and his late outings.

That makes my mind flicker back to him and his guilt. At least I believe he is guilty.

Of what? Well im not sure of that yet but I know something is up otherwise why would I feel so on edge.

And as though he could hear my thoughts, he wanders down into the kitchen. He first sees me, then bakugou. His expression was confusing. Like he was annoyed but scared at the same time.

"You.. you okay kami?" He said with a worried tone.

I glance at him and flash him a fake but realistic smile.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

He looked at bakugou who was looking right back at him and then looked at me.

"I didn't hurt him if that's what you're implying" bakugou said with a visible and tonal eye roll.

"I could of guessed that" Shinso said with venom in his voice.

"Then why ask" bakugou said, raising his voice. His hands visibly twitching at his sides.

"Because if you did you know what would happen." Shinso said, staring straight into his soul.

"I know exactly what happens, that's why I haven't and why I won't ever hurt him again." Bakugou said, his hands now balled into fists, a vein is clearly seen bulging from his neck.

I need to stop this before it goes sideways.

"I think that's enough now" I said. Quite quietly.

"That shouldn't be the only reason you don't want to hurt him, you call yourself a friend, when really, you. Are. Just. A. Bully. And it's all you will ever be." Shinso continued.

They didn't hear me.

"I think that's enough now" I said speaking normally.

"Yeah? Well at least I don't have a villains quirk. Because I Amy be the bully, but at least I'm not a villain." Bakugou said. A smirk grew wide on his face.

"I said. I THINK THATS ENOUGH NOW" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I don't care if everyone in the dorms heard me. I saw the look of sadness wash over shinso's face after them words left bakugou's mouth, and it broke my heart.

I may be suspicious of him, but no one deserves to be called a villain. And I mean no one. If you have made it into this school, then you are not a villain.

Both of them looked at me in Disbelief, like they didn't know I could get angry and shout, because usually I don't. This was a very uncomfortable situation I had been put in and I wanted to leave it as quick as I possibly could. Saving not just me, but Shinso as well.

"I'm sorry Kaminari" Shinso says, walking next to me.

"I don't want to hear either of you apologise. I just want you both to shut up. Bakugou, you're not a bully. Shinso you're not a villain. I don't want either of you to say those things to eachother again." I said. I didn't really think about what I was saying, it just kind of slipped out.

Can't take back what I've said now.

But why is Shinso smiling.


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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