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After cleaning my very bloody nose, I skip my way to the lounge in the dorm area. This is where I usually play games during free period. But this time, I didn't feel like playing games. I wanted to draw and the model of my choice was Shinso. I have a very good image of his face in my head. I feel like I'm going to be drawing Mr. Hitoshi more than any of my other friends. His face is Picture book model.

When I reached the lounge, I don't feel like going to my room to draw, I decide on doing it on the breakfast counter. This way, I can eat Sato's cakes and biscuit's and get myself water if i want to use my water colours as well.

Upon reaching the marble top, I am greeted by a kind smile from Sato, who appears to be baking an apple pie.

"What are you in here for Kaminari?" Sato asks, as he can clearly see, I'm not in the fridge again, but I'm placing art supplies onto the top.

"I'm going to sketch here, if that's okay with you" I replied with a smile, I knew Sato enjoys company while in the kitchen, from anyone. So I knew he would let me stay.

As predicted, he smiled and nodded at me. "I never knew you liked to draw, I mean, I knew you liked it to some degree as you always draw in the None-Physical lessons. But I didn't know it was a full time hobby " He says, while making cream for the pie. He's so sweet. Too sweet to be a hero sadly.

I start drawing the outlines and inner lines, careful not to press to hard so it would be easily erased. "Drawing helps me to focus," I hear him snicker when I say that, another student who thinks I never focus, I don't say anything about it. "It always makes me feel better" After me saying that, the conversation dies down. Nothing more is said, Until the pie was finished, at which point he asked me if I wanted a slice. Then left to clean himself up.

Again I was alone, with a slice of pie next to my glass of water. The drawing was finally starting to come together, relief spread through my veins as I knew how well it replicated Shinso's features. But because this school is full of idiot, Bakugou came into the kitchen area and I did not have enough time to hide the picture before it was torn from my hands.

"Why are you drawing this ugly mother fucker?" Bakugou asked, his voice was deep, almost like a growl, he was pissed. "And why are you drawing? You aren't even good at it. You want to know why? Because you. Are. A. Dumbass." Bakugou said to me, in a whisper, slowly edging closer to my face. I look away as I know I can't get out of this situation as Bakugou's other hand was seated on the back of my chair. Me, being weak against him, let a soft whimper escape my throat. Bakugou's face was now so close to mine, I could feel his hot breath on my lips. "What? Not tough now your 'boyfriend' isn't here to protect you?" He said, in a whisper so quiet, only I could hear.

He pulled away after that, "This drawing is shitty." Bakugou said as he was about to rip it up. Anger. That's all I felt. I stood up so fast my chair fell backwards, receiving a loud bang as it hit the floor. I placed my hands on Bakugou's and activated my quirk, shiny yellow flew though my body into Bakugou's. I knew how much would kill a human and how much it would take to make a human fall unconscious. I used enough to make him fall unconscious, don't get me wrong, I want him dead. Just not yet. Not this easy.

It worked, as soon as I stopped, his body fell limp to the floor, he was still breathing which was a good sign. When I looked up, I heard a gasp.

Turns out, the click of the chair falling had alerted the others. Mina, who was stood at the front, had a hand over her mouth to try and hide the gasp had come from her lungs. Sero and Kirishima's eyes and jaws where open in disbelief. Todoroki looked shocked. Midoriya had teared up. Uaraka and Jirou had an expressionless face, clearly in disbelief.

Then my eyes locked on him.

The grin spreading across his face made me proud. His hands folded across his slender chest. The thought of him looking at me, and just made me whole, made my heart beat faster than that of a mouse. I smiled back at him.

"DENKI?!, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Mina asked defensively, running over to Bakugou, careful not to touch him, everyone else followed in suit. I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off by the purple haired God himself.

"He was clearly defending himself. I mean look at the way the chair is on the floor, Bakugou's violent past behaviour and the way he is holding that sheet of paper, he must have stole it from Kaminari." He said, In a relaxed tone. I looked at him and smiled and I picked up the sheet from Bakugou's hands.

I look at Mina "You should get recovery girl here, He is only unconscious, but if he is left un treated, the result could be fatal." I look back at Shinso, "And he is right, Bakugou did attack me, He threated to rip up my work" I roll my eyes when looking back at Bakugou, he is just as weak as everyone else when you think about it. All it took was a shock and he was gone.

slowly, I walk my way over to Shinso, "nice work, I'm glad you stood up for yourself, but this isn't the time for praises as the frog girl has gone to get Aizawa." Shinso says, offering his hand out. Nervously, I took it, he pulled me along, all the way to his dorm, Which, as already stated, Is right next to mine.

Like a gentle man, he held the door open for me to walk through. His room was dark and smelled like coffee beans. But it was nice. His rooms theme was purple with black streaks. LED and fairy lights cover the rooms walls, As well as posters for bands and some hero's. "nice room" I say to him, I hear him chuckle.

"So what is the piece of paper? It has to be something important to turn Bakugou into the after math of being hit by lightning" He said softly, looking at me. I could hear the sarcasm in his voice causing me to smile a little. His face was very close to mine, I could feel my face heating up. My brain jammed. What did he ask again?....

"Hello? Anyone home?" Shinso asked, placing his hands on my cheeks. This isn't any better. He is going to make my fuse blow, I don't want to be dumb in front of him.

Gently, he took the paper from my hands, looking at it. I felt my face heat up.

"Wow... this is... Amazing." he said with a smile. That was it. I short circuited.



a/n I know I haven't updated, I've been busy hope you can understand.

have a lovely day my clouds =}

the issue with the world (Shinso x kamimari)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt