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Shinso's POV

The clock next to my bed struck 03:00, meaning it's time to go.

I put down the book I was trying to read, flip the covers off of me and let the cold air make its way across my skin. It made its way through the cloth of my clothes and sent a shiver down my spine. After allowing myself to adjust to the cold, I get out of the bed and make my way to put more suitable clothes on, something more comfortable.

I slip a pair of shoes on and a black hoodie. I open the door to my dorm and lock it.

I glance over to the dorm next to mine and think of the poor blond boy I'm manipulating. He's too sweet, but sweetness is a flaw, and as I see it, an easy target. He's mentally weak and I've already completed phase 1, which was supposed to be the longest phase. Gain his trust and get him to act up. As I've seen, he's already started to act up. Though it does make me wonder, why was it so easy.

I tear my head away from those distracting thoughts and begin my walk.

Careful not to make any noise or alert any more of the students, I make my way to the doors and step outside. The cold air hit me like a brick sending yet another chill up my spine.

Other than the cold wind that occasionally made its way through my body, the night was peaceful and calm, beautiful even.But I knew it wouldn't last long.

Making my way out the gates, I start a sprint, knowing fine well I'm already going to be late to this meeting. But what did I care, the only reason I'm going to be late is because of this stupid plan. If there wasn't a plan, I wouldn't have been here and I could have been doing something more useful, and therefore I wouldn't be late, I'd already be there.

As soon as the dingy alleyway was in sight I slowed to a jog and then a walk. The time was now 03:56, meaning I'm 26 minutes late to the meeting. But whatever.

I head towards the door I knew was there, and proceeded to knock four times.

"Open up" I say, tired of being cold and out of breath, and dying for a drink.

As my words ended, the door opened, not fully but just enough so I could squeeze through without it making any noise.

Upon entering the make shift base, everyone stares at me. Telling me with their eyes I'm in trouble. Yet someone doesn't know how to read a room.

"Welcome back!!" The small psycho blond basically screamed as she ran up to me and embraced me in a tight and uncomfortable hug.

Thanking all the heavens that it was cut short by a voice, more pissed off than I'd ever heard it.

"You're late"

Was the first words said to me by shigaraki.

"Well I wouldn't be if you moved the meeting somewhere closer. You know I have to leave at certain times so I'm not caught." I say. Not in a particularly nice tone. But I'm more of an annoyed tone. Yet I knew if I wanted to be apart of the change, I would have to explain every wrong move I make.

I joined here to make a difference, not to play friends with some wannabe hero's. That's what I hate so much about this. I'd be delighted to stab all of them fake losers in the back. Just not in the way I am now.

"Whatever. Just don't let it happen again"

He replied back, as though he didn't even register what I had said before.

I sit myself on a bar stool. And look at kurogiri. I don't have to say anything before he nods and begins making a coffee.

Once I get it, I smile for the first time since I got here. Yet no one smiled with me.

This is how you know you're in shit.

"Let's carry on with the meeting now" said a distorted voice, on an even more distorted screen.

Everyone turned and faces the TV. Allowing him to know that no one wasn't ready for his words.

"Hitoshi Shinso, how far are you with completing Phase 1?" He asks, and I look down and smiling to myself Knowing fine well I've basically completed it.

"Completed Sir" I say, with a proud tone of voice.

"That's fantastic" he said through the speaker next to me. "Get ready to start Phase 2."

Phase 2? Great. Now the plan is getting even more risky.

Having the weight of a whole plan on your shoulders at 04:00 in the morning was not something I wanted right now. But I would never even think of disagreeing with him.

"Yes Sir, Phase 2 will be put in motion tomorrow" I say back.

Now that my part of the meeting is over, I wait for them to finish talking about all the fun things they get to do.they go on for so long that by the time I've finished my coffee and another coffee.

"That is all for now. Goodbye"
The screen finally went black and Toga made sure to switch the lights back on.

"When will we next see you?" She asked with a pout crawling along her face, it's a fake pout as I can see the corners of her lips twist into a sick smile.

"Soon." Shigaraki replies for me. Guess he's good at being able to tell when I'm uncomfortable.

Toga has always made me uncomfortable. Maybe it's her gifts of dead animals or used knives. Or maybe it's the fact she is a hopeless romantic. I believe that will be her downfall, that she will choose love over everything else in the world.

"I agree. I should be back here either in two days time or the weekend" I say back, wiping my face to get rid of the coffee that had made its way around my mouth.

"I better be going. By the time I get back it will be about 05:00. And that's when all the trouble makers get in the way" I say. Grabbing anything I've taken off as kurogiri makes me one last coffee for on the road. And then I'm off.

I get back at around 05:20am. But just before I enter my own room. I look across. I see the brown door. His brown door. I begin to feel overcome with sadness.

I regret what I thought earlier. But I have a mission. And it must be completed.

I'm sorry Kaminari.


1121 words

Hope you have a great day my clouds 🫶🏻

the issue with the world (Shinso x kamimari)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon