Chapter 15.

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Britain pushed the pistol into the dead man's hands.

Dead men tell no tales after all.

It was also a good thing he wears gloves.

"That looks gruesome, what d'ya do... Blugeon him?"

He turned around to the door and saw a person he wasn't expecting at that very moment.

"Soviet, thought you were coming later?"

The taller man moved into the room and stood next to Britain awkwardly. His bangs almost covered his face as he looked down at the body.

"About that. The others got here just a little while after my forces and they are currently looking for... Well... That,"

Soviet tilted his head towards the body as Britain hummed quietly in response.

The two stood in silence and thought.

"Hey Brit you've been to the theatre before right?"

Britain eyed Soviet with suspicion.

"What are you going on about this time?"

"We could ummm, act,"

Britain looked at Soviet like 'bruh what'.


Soviet, the idea guy, was not appearing to do his job at the moment.

Then again i don't think he's in the right state of mind right now.

None of them are.

"Like y'know, act upset or something to make them think that we didn't plan this..."

"I..." It hit him like a fucking bullet. (Too soon?)

"Soviet you are a genius!"

"I am? I mean, yeah I am!"


"Wait. How are we gonna do this? I dont think people can cry on command,"

"Ummmm we could... Say mean thing about each other?"

Britain sighed and rubbed his temples. This was giving him a headache.

"Spoken with the certainty of a murderer on a polygraph,"

"Is that good?"



hey everyone. sorry for the short chapter but hey. atleast it exists.


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