Chapter 1.

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The whole 'meeting new people' thing was more like one big fancy party.

Loads of people were surrounding Soviet as he spoke. They continuously asked him questions like 'what do you plan on doing with your country?' or 'where do you see yourself in 5 years?'

He was sick of it.

"Um. I'm sorry but if I may excuse myself,"

He pushed his way through the crowd and to one of the tables on the edge of the hall. He plopped down on the nearest chair and sighed to himself.

This party stinks.

Quit complaining, at least people down hate us right now.

I guess.

"Must be hard being the center of attention, huh?"

This snapped Soviet out of his thoughts. The voice was more feminine in tone but sounded sly and harsh too.

He looked up and saw another country. He was leaning back in a chair and was drinking something that looked like tea and honey.

How can a man have a feminine voice???

"Yeah it is hard. And you are?"

"Britain. Nice to meet you,"

"I guess you already know who I am?"

"Course. Wouldn't be here if I didn't,"

"Ah, I suppose that makes sense,"

Soviet wanted to engage the conversation further so he didn't have to return to the mass of people.

"Soooooooo, why are you sitting here instead of mingling with everyone,"

Britain thought before answering.

"Too many voices. Most people like to monologue for hours. I personally hate it,"

"I can relate to that one comrade,"

"How so? Considering you only formed today," Britain eyed Soviet up suspiciously.

Soviet could feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Well, ummmmm I. Heh. Well I meant I can understand where you're coming from. Yeah that's what I meant,"

"Uh huh,"

"I like you Brit. You're inquisitive. That's a good trait to have,"

"Heh thanks. I guess,"

"No I mean it. Seriously. It means you won't be backstabbed as easily,"

"Wow! That's awfully familiar to what the Russian Empire said to me once! Who knew that two Russians would say the same thing?" Britain's voice dripped with sarcasm.

I knew someone would be hung up about it.

Huh. He actually cared about him?

"Look. I understand. Replacing him wasn't my choice. I'm sorry for that,"


"Britain. I'm sorry,"

"It's fine,"


"He was a prick. I only cared for him when he was struggling. I need to move on,"


"Besides. You seem like a much better person than him,"


If only you knew.

The night continued on as the two talked. People were starting to leave.

"Oh would you look at the time. I must be going or else my government will have my head. I'll speak with you later, I suppose,"

"I can escort you to the train station. It gets a lot more dangerous at night time," Soviet asks.

"No thank you. I'm sure I'll be fine,"

"I insist. It's the least I can do for the long conversation,"

"Well, alright then,"

The two walked through the now dark streets. The wind blew softly and the moon was shining being light clouds.

"So. Why do you want to escort me to a train station?"

"As I said earlier, it gets dangerous out here at night. I wouldn't want you to get hurt,"

The Brit only nodded in response.

"Now I have a question, why aren't you wearing a coat? The weather should be cold for people that aren't used to it. Like you,"

Britain lightly chuckled.

"I've been all over the world, Soviet. This weather is no big de-"

Britain was cut off by him being yanked into an alleyway.

Soviet quickly ran after him only to see his new friend being held at gunpoint by one of his people.

The man yelled something in Russian. And then he pointed at Soviet.

Imma translate to English real quick.

"Give me all your valuables and no one gets hurt!"

Soviet stood there, not knowing what to do.

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