Chapter 16.

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"So we are going to say mean things to eachother?"

"Sure, why the heck not?"

Soviet did one of his trademark smiles only to then straighten himself out and put on a more serious face.

"How do I insult you exactly?" Soviet really didn't know about planning ahead.

"This was your idea and you don't even know what to say?"

"I just came up with the idea though!"

Britain grumbled to himself. The guy was fed up which was kind of understandable.

I mean, if you had to order about America for a year you'd probably be like this too.

"For Vatican's sake Soviet, I'll bloody well kill you too if you don't think of something!"

Soviet already felt upset just at that. Dying didn't sound fun.

"Sorry... Why don't you try first? You're a bit ruder than me to be honest,"

Britain glared at Soviet.


"Ok. Let me think for a second,"

He stared straight into the slavs eyes. It made him a tad uncomfortable.

"Let's see, you're a horrid lier that's too sensitive to honestly be in charge of a nation that big. You also care way too much about what other people think of you and you have a morbid obsession with American products despite claiming the opposite. Am I missing anything?"

"N-no... You're pretty spot on. How did you even find out this stuff?"

Britain shook his head, mildly amused.

"I have my ways. You feeling like shit yet Sov?"


"Nice, now stay like that you buffoon,"

Almost immediately America, Canada and a newly freed France walked into the room.

"Did y'all find..." America trailed of as he gazed at the dead body, "...him. Oh God he's dead,"

France stood in silence. How long had he been gone for? A dead nation was really rare now and lo and behold there was the greatest threat to Europe. Pistol in hand and lifeless.

He didn't quite know how to react.

Should he be glad that the dictator was gone or should he be sad that he lost a friend?

This same feeling of dread hung over everyone in the room.

"He may of been terrible but he still had some semblance of honour eh?" Canada nudged France as he spoke and snapped the other out of it.

"Soviet, Britain, what the hell happened here?"

"I ummm... We found him dead here,"

Soviet was trying not to stumble over his words but c'mon. It is hard to stare the US of A in the face and lie to him.

"But how? You two clearly arrived at separate times," France chimed in. He had seen Britain leave ahead of the others, not really knowing why.


Since when was this an interrogation? Soviet was trying his hardest but just didn't know what to say.

"I found him first and then Soviet came in a tiny bit later," Britain chimed in.

"Why is there blood on one of your gloves Britain?" Canada was always the one noticing things.

Britain cleared his throat quickly, he almost did cry afterall.

"I checked his pulse and there wasn't one,"

Soviet had to keep himself from sniggering at the Brit's comment.

"Alrighty then, we should get outta here," America made a U-turn and left the room.

He was soon followed by France and Soviet.

"Canada are you ok?" Britain had grown a little concerned at the Canadian's staring.

Mainly because he just zoned out whilst looking at the body.

"Huh? Oh I'm fine. I must not be that okay with bodies,"

"It's perfectly normal Canada. Don't worry,"

Britain ushered the other out of the room and probably to a place where he could be sick.

The two took one last look at the body and respectfully closed the door behind them.

Nobody know how deceitful the UK is, huh?


love the two chapters in one day. this ones longer though. might upload a third if i feel like it. tryna keep the hype train going y'know?


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