Chapter 9.

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Time skip.
I'm not proud of what I've done. I'm not happy with how it will affect the world. I'm not satisfied.

The temptation of power is too strong for anyone to resist. I just hope it won't have any repercussions on me.

"Welcome to Dover! The home of the famous white cliffs," Britain spun around slightly as he presented the area to his friend.

"It looks great,"

"I know! C'mon let's go explore. I know all the good places to see!"

"It is you country Brit,"

The two wandered around the seaside town and took it all in. It had been ages since Britain was here too.

"Hey I'm kinda hungry,"

"What? We've only been walking for 2 hours. But if you need food Soviet, then I suppose we can have something extra traditional,"


Britain nodded in ultra excitement. He then proceeded to drag Soviet to a shop.

"Fish and chips are very traditional,"

"I'm not surprised considering you're an island and have a really big navy,"

"Hah! Jokes on you, I used to be a pirate. Working for the monarchy of course,"

The two went inside the chippy and ordered the food for take away.

"It smells so good,"

"That's a personal view,"

Britain didn't respond to that.

They soon got their food and walked out of the shop and down the road. 

Britain led Soviet to an alleyway.

"Using magic in public is bad so yeah. You might wanna hold on to my arm,"

Soviet held on to Britain's arm as he teleported the two somewhere else. Soviet felt incredibly dizzy after that and almost feel over onto the grass.

"Where are we exactly?"

Britain looked out over the horizon and smiled to himself.

"One of the most peaceful spots I know,"

Soviet followed Britain's gaze. There were at the top of the cliffs.

"Before we got here you said you needed to tell me something,"

Soviet snapped out of the view and nodded.

"Yes I did,"

"Well I'm all ears now,"

Soviet sat down onto the grass and sighed quietly.

Are you prepared to tell him?

No. But I'm doing it anyway.

Of course.

"Britain. You know how a new movement overtook Weimar's country?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"They... They offered me something,"

"It was a tempting offer,"

"What was it?"

"Help them take down Poland and a non aggression pact,"

"Did you... Take the offer,"


"Yes or no?"



Soviet looked up at Britain in surprise.

"What do you mean alright? I've done something that goes against peace! I thought you would be angry,"

"Angry? You are trying to protect yourself from a potential threat. I don't have a problem with human instinct,"

"That makes sense,"

Sorry to cut it short but I think I might of semi fallen out of this fandom.
Sorry. I will finish these books tho so don't worry.
Then I might just start my own story with original characters and a plot that doesn't relate to countries. This quarantine is killing me. I'm sorry.


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