Chapter 2.

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Soviet looked towards Britain to try and see his reaction. His curly mop of hair made it kinda hard but if looks could kill, everyone in the area would be dead.

"How about you just leave us alone comrade? And we will just be on our way," Soviet muttered as he took a step towards the citizen.

With that step, the man shoved Britain to the side and pointed the gun at Soviet.

He looked a bit scared of Soviet.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. Just put the weapon down,"

Soviet took another step towards the man.

The man begun tremblimg slightly.

"Hey. Take it easy. I'm not going to hurt you,"

Soviet could see movement from the alley and thought it's Britain getting up. He focused on the man.

"Just put the weapon down,"

He took another step.

"I won't hurt you if you put the gun down,"

The man started to lower the weapon.

"Great now just give it to me,"

The man stood there for a second before stumbling forward and falling onto the ground.

Soviet looked up to see Britain holding a rubbish bin lid.

He must've hit him over the head.

"Is he. Is he dead?"

"No. I knocked him unconscious you numb nut,"

"Numb nut?"

"It's a thing not alot of people say in my country,"


Britain bent down next to the man, took the gun and placed it in his bag. He then pulled out a notepad and pen and scribbled something down before ripping the page out and placing the paper in the man's hand.

"Why did you do that?"

"So he might rethink his life choices,"

"Wait but he probably doesn't understand English,"

"That's why I wrote it in Russian,"

"Wait so you can speak Russian?"

"Nope. I can only write the language,"

The two stepped out of the alley and walked down the road once more.

Soviet found himself staring at the other. His hair was kinda curly. He wore a white shirt with a little black bowtie. The rest of his outfit fit with the whole classy thing going on. The things that stood out alot were his dark green eyes and two golden bracelets, one on each arm.

Soviet was snapped out of his thoughts and staring by Britain making a loud grumble.

"So not only did I miss the train, but the next one is tomorrow!"

"Oh God. What are you gonna do?"

Britain sighed.

"I'll probably just sleep on the streets,"

"You can't do that!"

"I can,"

Suddenly, Soviet noticed something. Britain's right arm was soaked in blood.

He didn't notice it before because he was walking on the left side of the smaller country.

"You can't, because you're bleeding,"

Britain immediately looked down at his arm.

"Oh. I can patch it up when I get home,"

"But what if you pass out from blood loss?"

"Why do you care?"


Britain looked at him seriously for a minute. Soviet cleared his throat and made a reply.

"Well because I don't want a fellow country to die on my land,"

"Ah, only caring about yourself, 'aight,"

"So will you take me up on my offer?"

"I don't really have any other option do I?"

"No not really,"

The two walked off again but now in the direction of Soviet's home.

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