Chapter 4.

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Soviet moved back in shock.

"Why would you ask that? You know unions aren't allowed unless they're alliances!"

Britain continued to look down at the ground.

"I'm sorry for asking but you're just more odd than your average country,"

"And how does that mean anything?"

"It's not just your attitude to life but it's also the shut up thing last night before I passed out. That was awkward to say the least,"

Soviet was silent for a minute as he took in Britain's mostly correct points for his reasoning.

He walked a little closer to where Britain was standing and shrugged.

"Well, you got me. By all accounts it doesn't make sense,"


Britain lightly chuckled and looked back up to face Soviet.

"Is that a yes then?"

The taller male sighed and nodded.

"I am. But you have to keep it a secret. If word got out, I don't know what I would do,"

The two walked back into the living room and and sat down.

Britain laughed a little, confusing Soviet.

"What's that for?"

"I'm sorry. It's just... I thought I was the only one,"

"Wait. Really?"


Soviet looked towards his fire place and watched the flames burn.

"I thought my name was a dead giveaway though,"

"Oh you'd be surprised about that,"

Soviet continued staring at the fire and hummed in more confusion.

"Examples would be Brazil, America and Mexico. All unions in name but all have their states separate to them,"

"I suppose that makes sense,"

The two watched the fire for a moment longer before Britain had to go.

"Oh and before you leave,"


"We keep this all between us, ok?"

"You got it!"

And with that Britain left.

Soviet walked into his living room again and sat down.

After about an hour of sitting by the fire, Soviet got up and walked into his bedroom. He opened a draw and pulled out a packet of...... Stuff.

He pulled a disgusted face and flung the packet into the bin.

"You know you were gonna lose the civil war and yet you didn't finish your shit?"

What? I was busy.

"Busy doing what exactly?"

Important duties that Communists don't seem to understand.

"I do understand because you are a part of me Russia,"

And now you get angry over drugs and irresponsibility. How quaint.

"Shut up will you? I'm thinking,"

About what?

"About why you're the only one I can talk to right now,"

The others wanted to try and sleep whilst not having a physical form. I don't even know how that works.

"Makes.... Sense,"

Soviet sat down on his bed. Scratch that. He flopped onto his bed.

"I have one more question Russia,"


"Do I have a power like other countries?"

Well... Being a union means you have two powers.

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