What The Hell?

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Song: Alone- Ava Max and Alan Walker

The flight home was intense as Ashton and Atticus kept looking over at the two of us. Every now and then I will see Atticus on his phone and I just knew that he was talking to my dad. Eli gets up to sit across from me as he grabs a pillow to prop up my leg. He leans down to help me place my leg firmly on the pillow beside him. He then grabs my other foot and starts to massage my foot. His fingers go in between my toes and he adds a little more pressure. I let out a soft moan and of course I get the looks to kill from Atticus and Ashton at the same time. I make my eyes bulge out at them and snare up my nose with a crooked smile waiting on them to continue with whatever they were doing. I look back over at Eli and we both start to smile at each other.

Once the jet lands, we get in the car that was already there where they have left it earlier. Even the drive home was intense. As we pull up through the gates, Eli's hand tightens around mine.

"Everything will be fine, you will see; you have nothing to worry about." I nudge him in the arm with my elbow.

He continues to look out the window at the massive mansion that is now sitting right before us. "It's been years since I have been here. For some reason I thought I made this place up but wow look at this place it's just like I remembered."

I look over at him a little puzzled. "You have been here before?"

He turns to look right at me. "Of course, my dad brought me here years ago. I was always in awe of this place. I thought whoever lived here must have owned everything in the world. I always wondered how it would feel to live in a place like this."

"Well...maybe you will just get that wish after all."

As we get out, he was about to pick me up before I stop him. "Eli, please don't. I can walk in with the crutches. Atticus can you please get them out for me."

"I really don't mind carrying you," he says as his arms start to pick me up again.

I hold out my hand for him to stop as I step away from him. "I know you don't but I think its best that I walk in on my own, if you know what I mean."

I hate the look he gives me but I am glad that he doesn't put up an argument up about it. If I walk into the house with him holding me, I will never hear the end of it. Ashton grabs the door and opens it as I walk in with Eli right behind be and then Atticus. Atticus passes by my hop along pace and drops off the few suitcases that I have by the staircase and then walks on in to the living room area. When I step into view, my mom smiles up at me glad to see that I am back at home.

"Well we are glad you are back home. It's nice to see..." She stops when she sees Eli come up by my side, "And Eli. Please come in and have a seat your dad will be right out."

I hop over to the sofa and Eli sits down beside me to grab my hand within his. A few moments later I hear my father walking down the hallway as he is talking with someone and the moment he comes around the corner Eli jumps up into standing. "Dad what are you doing here?" he walks over and shakes his hand and they do this off to the side hug with a few pats on the back.

"You know why I am here." He tells him as he is doing the half hug but he is staring right at me. He lets' go of Eli and walks right over to me with open arms. "Little Violet it has been so long." His arms come around me in a warm embrace.

"Jasper, wow it's been forever. How have you been?" I let him hug me but the whole time I am wondering why the hell is he really here. I glance at Eli and he is just as shocked as I am.

"Better than you the way it looks." He stands back to look at me and then pats Eli on the shoulder. "Look I need to have a word with my boy here do you mind if I take him away from you for a few seconds?"

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