Down Boy, He Is Taken!

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Song: Kings and Queens- Ava Max

Eli Foster was very addictive and he sure knew how to make my body crave for him. After another round in bed, I had to force myself to get up and get ready for the day. I let him stay in the bed, completely naked and I stand back and admire his firm tight ass that is poking out of the sheets. I giggle under my breath thinking that this can't be happening. I groan lightly as I grab my bag and head out the door.

Within thirty minutes, I am at the studio and putting on my ballet slippers. I watch as everyone is up and practicing as I join them in front of the mirrors. Every time I close my eyes, I see him there in that bed waiting for me. A smile forms on my face but quickly disappears and Levi starts talking.

"Girl, do tell. You are smiling from ear to ear. So who is he?"

"No one. What makes you feel that there is someone?"

He stands back and glares at me, then looks all the way down and back up to me as if having sex will transformmy boy in some way. "Seriously honey, it is written all over that face of yours. When are we going to meet the guy?"

"Like I said there is no one, now go away." I nudge him.

"Mmmm-uh, whatever girl! Well it's nice to see that smile on your face again." He smiles and prances off.

I look up to see myself in the mirror and sure enough there is a nice smile forming on my face, one that hasn't been there in a while. I catch Mariam looking at me and I roll my eyes at her and start back into practice. Afterwards we all work on the dance for the show and are asked to do it several times because like they always say practice makes perfect and we aim to be perfect.

I am sitting on the bench when I hear the girls talking about going out for the night. Olivia flops down beside me. "So Levi says there is someone new; do tell."

I roll my eyes at her. "Really it's no one." But she is not letting it go that easy as she stares me down. "Fine! His name is Eli, we met at a club. Really guys he is just a one night thing."

Julia comes around the wall and sits down beside Olivia. "A one night thing my ass, girl you have been cheesing since you got here. Like this whole time. We have got to meet this guy."

"Yeah...we should meet him just to make sure he is good enough for you, you know?" chimes in Peyton.

I let out a long sigh, "Fine so where are we going out later, I will make sure to bring him."

"Yes!" the three of them say in unison or should I say the four of them because now Levi is standing behind me and is just as excited as they are. "I knew there was someone diving into the cherry tree..." he gleams.

I start to blush. "Gross...why do you have to call it that?"

"Girl, what do you prefer, kitty, fanny, flower, twat, vajayjay, penis fly trap..."

"Ewe," the four of us say in unison.

He laughs it off and grabs his bag. "Come on my little hoes lets get out of here already."

"I need to go to home first to change, so I will meet you guys there ok."

"Sure just bring that little bum tickler with you. We need to check him out to see if he meets our standards, you know?"

"Only you Levi would come up with little bum tickler. Guys I was catch up with you later." I stand up and walk past him. The four of them keep on talking.

When I get home, it is really quite. The note that I left on the counter is still there, untouched. I slip off my shoes and toss them beside the couch. I walk down the hallway to my bedroom and the bed is empty and all made up as if it was never slept in earlier. I walk towards the bathroom and then back out, noticing that all of his clothes are gone. I sigh and throw myself on the bed to look up at the ceiling. One night stand, that's all it was. He got a little piece of it and was gone like it never really happened.

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