The Right Amount of Therapy

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Song: Feels so good to dance again- Selena Gomez

My friends leave the next day bright and early to head back to New York. Ashton was up and ready to drive us all to the airport. We say our goodbyes and go our separate ways. I wanted to go but due to the fact that I need to try to heal first I stay back. It's the right thing to do for the time being, besides I think I might just need to stick around for a little while, I have a feeling this asshole will never let Amaya go.

Ashton drives me back home and I manage to get out of the car and into the house with my crutches. Of course he offered to help me but I am too stubborn for that. The house seems rather quite but then I hear the music from the workout room. I make my way down to see all of them on the mat working out. Marcus is giving them a really good workout. The one song goes off and another continues as my parents stay on the mat to fight each other while the guys sit down and watch. I sit down and admire the two of them.

When I was little, I would love to watch them for hours going at it. If you didn't know any better one would have thought that they were actually hurting each other but they're not. I am not sure how long Mekhi has been fighting but Scarlett has been ever since Zane took her in. He trained her to be the best of the best and it really shows when like now when she is going up against Mekhi. I want to say he lets her win but then I would be lying because she really is a bad ass.

In seconds she has him pinned down as she straddles over him. I watch the passion between them, how they stare into each other's eyes after all these years they are still madly in love with each other. I want that. I want to find that perfect someone. As I am watching them, he flips her over to her back in a millisecond and takes her lips. She kisses him right back. I hear one of the guys grunt and they both slowly turn their head towards us laughing. He stands up and holds out his hand to help her up. It's not like she needs help getting up but he offers the hand anyway. That's the love I want.

My mom walks over to me and holds her hand out to me. "You ready to get back into training?"

I look down at my leg and back up at her. "You got to be kidding me right."

I watch as she closes her eyes briefly, when she looks back at me she nods her head. "Yeah guess we don't need to make that ankle worse do we. Well once the cast is off, I expect you to be out there working out. We need to strengthen the muscles again and make you even stronger. Don't worry love we will have you back out on that dance floor in no time."

And the thing is, I know she will have Marcus work me hard. She will be by my side the whole time right along with the rest of them. They will make sure that I am up and going back to myself and if for some reason I don't heal completely, I already know that they will talk me into staying here and doing the family business with them. And it's not that I mind doing it. It is actually pretty interesting and I can make so much good money at it however my love in being out on center stage. Thankfully my dad comes to the rescue.

My dad comes over to us and smiles and within that smile I can see why she is so in love with him. Hell who wouldn't be. "Did someone say that they want to dance?" He literally picks me up and swirls me over to the mat in his arms. The music is still playing and he holds me close to him and dances with me. He twirls around and sways to the music and out of the blue he just starts singing along to the song. I lay my head on his shoulder and I just feel so emotional right now. The tears start to flow out of nowhere. When he is done he takes my chin and lifts it up for me to look at him. "You will always dance. I will make sure of that." He kisses me on the forehead and then carries me back over to the chairs where I left my crutches. He slowly places me down on the floor.

The things is, I know he will try everything in his power to find a way to make me dance again. He will hire the best therapist, the best trainers and doctors and he will travel around the world to find the best of the best.

I stayed home with them for the whole six weeks until the cast came off. I thought I would have been bored out of my mind but I really wasn't. They made sure to keep me occupied and even if I could not do all the moves on the mat, I was able to do most of them. I worked out with them every day, mostly with my upper body. On the days they went out for a run, they got me a wheel chair and Atticus would push me the whole route to the lake and back. Not once did he complain. I tried complaining the first few days at the beginning because I would have rather slept in most of the days but thanks to all of them that for sure wasn't going to happen. I know I have to do the work to get better and so that is exactly what I do.

The moment the cast was off, I was required to do physical therapy. They got someone to come to the house three times a week and we worked in the workout room. I knew he would find someone to be strict with me and force me to work. However, I bet he didn't realize he would be good looking. I would be lying if I didn't say the guy was really attractive. He has the perfect hair and the perfect body. I could walk towards him all day long, hell I would do cartwheels to get his attention, however I find out fast that he was not into girls. He pointed it out from the get go, I guess because the way I was drooling and couldn't take my eyes off of him. So he set the record straight and I followed his orders and believe me he pushed me to the limit. A part of me wanted him to push other limits but that for sure would never happen in this lifetime. 

The first week was torture. My ankle was still pretty weak. But with the exercises he made me do it started not to hurt to walk on it as much. I wanted to give up several times but he wouldn't let me. And believe me I knew if I complained too much he would make sure my parents knew about it. Here I am in my twenties and I still hate that feeling when my parents have to get on to me for not doing something. So I work my ass off or should I say my ankle. I kept a cold pack on it after the therapy sessions to help with any swelling.

When I wasn't in therapy, my parents had me working out hard with them. They thought the harder I worked the more strength I would have and then I would be able to start getting out more. I have even heard them talking about letting me work with them some. I know they want me to stay once I am cleared to go but I'm so ready to get back to New York, hell it's been over six months or so now. I want to be back on the dance floor because that is where I truly belong. I just can't see myself here doing the line of work that they do forever.

After therapy today, I am left alone in the workout room. I walk over to the radio and put on some different music. I walk over to the solid wood floor in front of the mirror and look at myself for a few minutes. I listen to the music and my body starts to move along. I dance slowly at first and trying to get up on my toes to twirl. I test out the ankle slowly at first. I recall back to when the accident happened, the doctors stated that I might not ever be able to dance again. However here I am dancing. I take the final swirl and then down to bow, suddenly I am not alone and hear clapping. I quickly look up to see my dad leaning against the wall.

He continues to clap as he walks over towards me. He takes my hand and guides me into the next song that comes on. "You are a lot stronger than you think. You are amazing you know that." He swirls me out and then back into him. "I see it Violet in your eyes, I see it. So when are you leaving."

I stop dancing and look up at him without saying a word. I give him these huge puppy dog eyes.

He lips form a thin smile. "Come on now, we can't keep you here forever. I know you want it and you deserve to have your hearts desire. Dancing is your life and I think you need to get back out on that stage."

I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck. "I know you guys want me to stay and help with the family business but...I...I want to go back so bad. Dancing is my life."

He starts laughing, "I know. Honestly I am glad you didn't follow in our footsteps, this life that your mom and I have it can," He pauses like he is trying to find the right words however he never finishes because my mom walks in.

"Is everything alright?"

He clears his throat and looks over at her. "Yeah, we're good." He looks back at me. "Our girl here is good, back to normal. I guess it's time to send her back to New York."

She hesitates for a few minutes and then forces a smile. "I figured you would want to go back. How about stay till Saturday and then we will have the plane ready? Besides I'm sure everyone will want to tell you bye."

I don't argue about staying a few extra days. 

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