Someone At The Door

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Song: A storm in Coming- Liv Ash

I never thought that I would be this way but there is something about how it makes me feel. Like I can just take anyone's life at any given moment. Yes the first time was hard and the second time was just getting the taste of what was to come. So when I didn't even hesitate to slice his throat, I knew that this would become my new normal. Of course I knew deep down that nothing about taking another person's life was normal and never would be, however it felt like this is what I was meant to do with my life. 

Taking Gabe's life was so wrong, however it was like it was either him or me and I wasn't about to let him ruin my life, my future. Maybe I am meant to help others like Amaya that is not able to see how wrong that jerk was for her. I couldn't just let him use her. I knew in the long run he would have abused her and possibly kill her so why not end it before anything got started. Now that I am back home, maybe I should just try to mind my own business. 

Hell my father and his whole family are well known assassins and on my mother's side they are well known cleaners. So what does that really make me. And if I really want to dig deeper, my real family was no better because my older half-brother killed the whole damn family. He just forgot about me. Maybe it was in my cards to be left behind and found by Scarlett. Maybe this is what I was born to do. Maybe I am here to save all of those that can't save themselves.

My mind races with all these thoughts as I step foot into the liquor store. My adrenaline is soaring and I need a little something to help calm me down. I grab a bottle of the Grey Goose Vodka and walk up to the cashier. The guy looks down at me and waits for me to show him my ID. What the hell? I pull it out and show him without letting go of it and he rings me up. I pay with my card and then head out. By the time I get to the apartment building I have half of it gone.

Charles is gone for the night and now Roger is there. He has been working here for a little over two years. He is alright but he is nothing like Charles. He holds the door open for me and I stumble in. Matter of fact I stumbled all the way to the elevator and push several of the buttons going up. By the time the damn thing stops on my floor, I am so ready to step out and make my way to the bathroom. I slide my pants down and as I sit down I start giggling. Right out of the fucking blue, I giggle for no reason at all. I kick off my jeans and leave them on the floor with my panties.

I get up and head to the bedroom where I crash for the night on the hard mattress that needs to be broken in. I am startled awake by someone banging on the front door. I jump up thinking could it possibly be the police coming after me. After all I did murder some dick in the back parking lot at the corner store. Did they have cameras and I just didn't notice. I knew that there were a few inside the store but I have never noticed any on the outside. The banging continues and I have to pull myself up.

I make my way down the hallway and don't even bother looking through the peep hole to see who is being so rude this early in the damn morning. I sling open the door and it's no other than Gabe's parents. Both of them are staring me down and suddenly they both look down at my bare legs. His mother quickly looks back up to my eyes but his fathers' eyes linger a little longer. Pervert. Thankfully my shirt is just long enough to cover up vajayjay.

His mother doesn't give me time to say anything as she barges right in to my apartment. I really have never like this woman and this is why because she if fucking rude as hell. She turns her nose up as if her shit don't stink. "Where is Gabe. It has been months now and no one has heard from either of you. Where have you two been?" She looks around the place with her nose all snarled up in disgust like the apartment is nasty but it's pretty clean except for a few clothes laying around. She doesn't see him, so she takes off to the bedroom and then comes back. "Well where the hell is he?"

A party of me want to tell her exactly where the hell he is but I won't. "How should I know. I thought he was back home with you guys. I guess he is still touring Europe. Maybe he fell in love over there. I haven't seen him in months."

She walks right up to me in my little bubble and shoves her finger at me. "You know damn good well where he is, now where is he?"

I step back and turn to walk over to the coffee table. I bend over purposefully so that her husband, Gabe's father can get a nice view of my bare naked ass as I grab the remote off the table to turn on the TV. I knew it would piss her off even more. I sit on the couch and flip the TV on to ignore the words that are coming out of her mouth. She isn't having it though, she walks over and turns the TV off in front of me. "Violet it has been over six months and I know you know where he is. If you don't tell us, we will be getting in touch with our lawyer."

I glare at her. She would do that, that bitch. But it's ok because she has nothing on me. I fold my arms and kick my legs up on the coffee table, crossing my legs so that his dad doesn't have a freaking stroke and then she would blame me for that as well. "I have no clue where he is. I haven't seen him since I got home that night after the accident. If anyone wants to press any charges it will be me against your son. I had to go through surgery and intensive therapy to even be walking normal and lets not even get into dancing. He ruined me and you have the audacity to come up in here accusing me of your missing son." I stand up and walk over to the door to hold it open for them to leave. "We had a huge falling out. I told him to leave and I haven't seen him since. The last thing he said to me was that he was going to Europe. He asked me to go and well considering I really couldn't get around what was the point of me going. I swear I haven't seen him since then."

She huffs in annoyance, "He wouldn't just leave without telling me. I'm sorry I just don't believe that."

I huff to match her huff, "What can I say...he was very upset. Like I said we had words and he left. I went home to heal, letting my parents take care of me. Look you can call them if you like. I have been there this whole time. Gabe and I went our separate ways."

She huffs and walks out the door. His father is halfway out the door when he stops and looks me up and down once more. He clears his throat, "If you happen to hear from him please tell him to call home immediately."

"Of course." I give him a fake smile, you pervert. I see it in your eyes, you are dying to run those hands down my thighs. Your wife probably hasn't gave you any satisfaction in years and you are dying to remember what it feels like to be turned on. To have a hard-on, you nasty old man you. As he walks out the door, I shut it not giving him anytime to look back at me.

I knew that would not be the end of them coming around. I knew that they would get lawyers and the police and hell maybe even the FBI involved in the disappearance of their son. There would be posters placed on every damn post in New York, have you seen this man...Missing Gabe Sawyer! There will be pictures of him everywhere to make me remember him and never forget what really happened. However I will keep those secrets with me all the way to the grave.

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