I Just Might Not Make It Out Alive

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Song: Burn- Pretty Reckless

I hear dripping water somewhere in the room. It sounds like it's coming from behind me but then again I am just not really sure because it almost has the echoing sound effect. My head is throbbing and the fucking sound only makes it pound harder. Not only is it dark as hell in here, it smells like mildew and a bad case of mold. I bat my eyes open to darkness and close them again before realizing I have no clue where the hell I am. My eyes open wide as I try to look around to see if anything is close by. It's so freaking dark in here. However as I look around I notice that there is only a slither of light on the other side of the room that looks like there is a door there. I can see shadows along the bottom as if someone is walking back and forth.

I try to move over to the door and that is when I notice that I can't go anywhere. What the hell. My wrists are tied above my head and my arms ache all the way down with a crazy tingling sensation from where they are starting to go numb. I try jerking down but the only thing that does is make my wrist hurt even more. I see footsteps on the other side of the door stop in front of the door. Within seconds I can hear the door unlock as if there is a need to lock it, it's not like I am fucking go anywhere. The door opens and I watch as several people walk in and I am sure by the outlining of them they are all men. I hear someone click on the lights and a low buzz that comes with it surrounds above me that only causes my head to hurt even more.

"Please leave us," he says hoarsely with a very strong Italian accent. His men walk back out of course glaring at me in the process and the last one closes the door behind him but glances back at me for one more look. The guy that stays behind is massive, about a good two fifty and looks to be mostly muscle, big and bulky. He walks with this slow gait as if he is in no hurry at all to get back over to me. I notice the way he plays with the gold ring on his middle finger as he slowly walks up closer to me. When he steps only about an inch in front of me, he reaches up and moves the strand of hair away from my face. "Do you know how long I have waited for this?" He says it like he has finally won something or just pure greed of holding me captive.

I nudge him off of me as I spit in his face. His hand braces around my neck and it squeezes just hard enough to cut off my air supply. "I will fucking kill you however I want him to see you suffer the way my wife suffered under his hands."

I am more focused on breathing at the moment than whatever the hell he is talking about. The moment he lets go, I gasp for air as I nearly cough up a lung. "Who the fuck are you and why the hell am I here?" I wiggle my arms but of course nothing happens. All I feel is numbness and pain all down my arm.

"Oh little girl...you will soon find out."

"You have the wrong girl...I'm no one," I snap back at him.

He reaches out for me and traces my jaw line with his fingers. "I know exactly who you are." I try to pull back but he grabs a hold of me with quickness of his reflexes. He holds so hard that I feel that he just might crush my jaw.

"Well then if you know who I am then who the hell are you?" I manage to say as he still has his fingers clenched into me. He let's go of me roughly, practically snapping my neck backwards.

He walks around me, not letting a finger off of me. I have that creepy crawly sensation come all over me. I'm not sure I like where this is going. When he comes back around he has this sinister look on his face. He reaches up and rips my shirt all the way off of my body exposing my black lace bra and panties. I totally forgot that I hadn't gotten all the way dressed when there was a knock at the door. "You won't be needing this."

I feel a shiver run all the way down my body as a knot starts to form in the back of my throat. "Please don't hurt me. I have no idea what this is even about. My parents can pay you anything you want. Just name your price." I continue to glare at him.

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