Only Our Love

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Song: Only Love- by Jordan Smith (cover by Fearless Soul)


The bed sags to the one side and I know it is him just by the way it shifts. His cologne drifts down close to me making me feel safe. I feel his soft touch graze my shoulder and then his fingers play through my hair. I glance up to him with my one good eye and see his redden eyes where he has been crying. "Hey my sweet love, how are you feeling love?"

I groan at I turn a little more into him. " god I thought you were dead." Tears seep out quickly.

He quickly reaches down to wipe them away. "I'm right here love. Don't cry."

"How bad is it?" I watch as his eyes fall towards my back and he swallows hard as if something is stuck in his throat. I know he has seen a lot of bad things in his life and his expression is not helping me at all. As a matter of fact it only makes me want to look for myself. "Eli for crying out loud just tell me. Is it that bad?"

He slowly nods his head. "It's pretty bad love but your mom says that it will heal in time. She fixed you right up. You are going to be alright love."

There's a sharp sting in the bridge of my nose as I try to fight back the tears. "I want to see. I need to see it."

His hand lands firmly against my upper shoulder. "Vi you need to rest."

I practically yell at him as I try to move away from him, "I need to see for myself. Help me up to the bathroom."


"Now dammit...just do it. I need to see what the damage really is." I roll over to my side and try to force myself up. Regardless I am getting up and looking with or without his help. He reaches out, and grabs me by the waist. He refuses to let me walk. He carries me over to the bathroom and lets me down on my feet. I take the small mirror from the counter and hold it up so that I can see the damage. I force myself to stare at it. My eyes tear up. My lips start to tremble as I try not to cry. As they tremble more they turn into a half smile. I'm not sure to cry or laugh at the irony of it all.

Eli looks at me in confusion. "Violet are you alright?"

I stand there glaring at every little mark. I notice her fine stich work and I know in time I will heal but I know by the looks of it, the scars will be there forever. They will always be there to remind me of the time I was tortured. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" My eye drift up to his refection and I quickly dart back down. "All these years growing up I was really nothing like her. Of course I shouldn't be anything like her; it's not like we are even related by blood. But now look...just look at me." A tear escapes down my cheek. "I now look like her."

"What are you talking about love?" His hand pulls all my hair to the one side and then comes up to hook right under my chin. 

"Scarlett has scars on her back just like this but worse. Her father use to punish her with a whip and I'm pretty sure my dad, Mekhi took over. I don't think Mekhi really ever meant to hurt her but after this guy abducted me and the way he kept talking about Mekhi and how he hurt his wife. I...I don't know it made me Mekhi a bad guy. Did he really hurt her and Scarlett? Are there others like them?"

"Love, your dad is a fucking Assassin; he doesn't beat the shit out of women."

I shake my head. "I know but I know he has whipped my mom in the past. Not that he was trying to hurt her but it was like a pleasure thing. I don't know how to explain it Eli. I was barely in my teens and I heard them in another room of the house. I never should have seen them; not that way but I did. I will never get that vision out of my head. After that day it sparked my imagination and I wanted to know more but I didn't really know who to ask. As I got older and moved to New York, I learned all sorts of things. I learned that some people are just into that kind of kink. I thought I would be but after what I just been through why...why would anyone even want to feel that kind of pain?"

"Like you said...some people are just into it. Believe me that will never ever happen to you again. I swear to you if anyone ever lays a hand on you again they will be dead by my bare hands." He leans in towards me wrapping his arms around me.

"Eli...please don't blame yourself for any of this. There was nothing you could have done; you know that right?"

"I should never have left your side to begin with. I promised you...I promised you that I would protect you and just look." I feel him looking at us in the mirror.

I turn my head to look at our reflection. His fingers trace lightly over my fresh wounds. My eye avert upward and I see the guilt behind his watery eyes. I slowly tilt my head upward so that our lips are nearly touching. Tears start to fall silently down my cheek. "Kiss me. Tell me that I am going to be alright." I sniffle, "Tell me that I am still beautiful."

His hands swiftly picks me up and place me on the counter. Then they come up to cup my face, while using his thumb he wipes the tears away. "You my love are going to be alright. You will always be fucking gorgeous." His lips come crashing into mine and I let him invade my mouth with his tongue.

In the heat of the moment I start taking off his shirt, unbuttoning it and letting it fall to the floor. I go in to unbuckle his belt, the button on his jeans and the zipper. He can't seem to pull them off fast enough. He leans in and plants kisses on my neck as he positions himself between my legs. I love the way his hand digs into my scalp, pulling on my head to make me tilt it back farther just for him to have more access to my bare neck.

He dives into me and I let out a moan, not loud for everyone to hear but for him to hear what he is doing to me is so satisfying. I need this; I need him. I lick my lips at the same time that I close my eyes. I focus on how he feels deep inside of me. Filling me, making me whole, making me feel alive. As he pounds into me, I dig my nails into his back.

Somehow or another I am off the counter and he turns me around to take me from behind, a position that I just so happen to love. He wraps his one hand around my hair and pulling me back into him. I pant for more. I cry out, "Don't stop..." I am on the verge of going however for some reason he stops and when I look up into the mirror he is staring at my back. He slowly let's go of his grip around my hair and the strands fall effortless around my neck.

I quickly push against him and turn around. "Don't...whatever you are thinking...just don't I need this...I need you. Don't ruin this Eli. I can't..." I let out a soft cry. More tears start to burn my eyes and they quickly escape.

His hands immediately go to my face to wipe the tears away again. "Don't cry love. And I promise you I will never ruin this."

Our lips meet again. I rummage my hands through his hair and pull him into me. He picks me up and carries me over to the bed. He is super careful not to let me lay on my back as we lay down he comes behind me to spoon up against me but not too close to rub up against my back. I love the way his hand tightens around my breast, feeling his nails tug into me as he moves softly against me. My toes start to curl as I place my hand over his and hold on tightly to him as we both go at the exact same time.

I feel his breath against my neck and his lets out his final release. His nose nudges into my hairline and then his hot lips kiss me lightly. I exhale and let out a sigh. "My God you are amazing. Thank you for making me feel alive."

"Love...I will make you feel alive every night." Kisses tickle along my neck. He leans in resting his head against my shoulder. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep with him holding me close to him.

We both wake up to someone knocking on the door. Then her voice sounds a little irritated, "Eli...we are home. The two of you need to get up now." She knocks again. "Violet sweetheart...come on let's go."

"We are getting up, hold on. We will be right there."

Eli jumps up and fumbles for his clothes. He swiftly pulls them all on and looks over at me still naked on the bed.

"I will grab you something." I watch as he looks around the room. He sees the one suitcase and opens it up. He pulls out a pair of jeans and a plain shirt. "Will this be alright?" He holds them up with a crooked smile on his face.

"Anything at this point will be alright." I smile back with a crooked smile and raised eyebrow because we actually just made out with my parents not to far from us. Once dressed, we walk out together hand in hand.

Dark Side of VioletTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang