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Chapter Nine:

"You promised me forever."

The music playing in the background was muggle music. Atlas had recognised it was the song Positions by a musician called Ariana Grande. Ren had shown her the song a couple of nights ago. The couches were pushed apart to make a makeshift dance floor. Tables were set up as a temporary bar and shot glasses were full with fire whiskey Atlas assumed. The rest of the girls had already dispersed into the crowd leaving Atlas and Aara behind.

"Will you dance with me?" Atlas had asked Aara with a grin holding out her hand.

"Of course I will." Aara giggled grabbing Atlas' hand and walking over to the dance floor.

The two laughed while trying to fit in with the rest of the crowd. They jumped to the beat of the music laughing along to jokes they were throwing around. Eventually Ren and Pansy had found them again. Pansy and Atlas had started dancing while Aara danced with Ren. Eventually they had grown tired and decided to get a drink to cool down. They walked over to the table of drinks and took a shot each. This gave Aara some liquid courage and let her loosen up.

Pansy and Ren had disappeared once again so Atlas took it upon herself to dance with Aara. The two danced together for a couple of minutes. They tried to talk but the music was too loud so they settled into a silence between them. Atlas had realised ten minutes later that Aara's eyes were focussed on a familiar redhead.

"No way." She mutters in excitement.

"Hmm?" Aara replies, still not focussed.

"You have a crush on George!" Atlas squeals.

This had gotten Aara's full attention. "What? No." She nervously denies.

"You can't hide these things from me Kingsley."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come with me." Atlas whispers, dragging Aara with her.

"Atlas Lennon don't you dare." She says harshly but is drowned out by the music.

Atlas grabs Aara's arm and takes her to where the two twins were standing. Red and George had drinks in their hands dancing goofily with each other causing the drinks to splash out the sides.

"Fred, would you like to dance?" Atlas asks Fred confidently.

"Yes of course." He takes Atlas' hand.

"George and Aara you don't mind do you?" She asks innocently.

The two shake their heads but Aara sends daggers with her eyes to Atlas who winks as a response. Atlas had walked a couple of metres away but still close enough to keep their eyes on the two.

"Trying to set them up are we?" Fred asks mischievously.

"Yeah, was it that obvious?" Atlas asks slightly bummed.

"No, I've been trying to do the same." Atlas' eyes brightened.

"Does that mean?" She prompts.

"Yes Georgie has a little crush."

Atlas squeals in excitement.

"We have to try and get them together by the end of the term." Atlas announces.

"That's going to be hard, I've been trying but they're both so oblivious." Fred explains.

"Don't worry Freddie, I'm here to help you now." Atlas was already scheming in her head.

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