Chapter 10: Shackles of the Heart and Ghost of the Past

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After seeing Melissa for a bit and making sure she was ok, Samuel left and was driving back to the Miyagi-Do dojo to apologize to Samantha, Robby, and Daniel about leaving the beach club recruitment effort. It didn't take very long to arrive at the dojo to find Samantha sitting down, looking at her phone.
"Hey, you all right?" Samuel asked Samantha as he walked over to her. Samantha looked at Samuel and sighed.

"I'm fine. It's just... I went to talk with Aisha at the beach club and she has this new friend who stole a bottle of vodka from the bar... so when my mom's wallet got stolen I... I kinda automatically assumed it was Aisha's new friend, so I confronted her about it. Obviously she got ticked and so she pushed me into a whole table full of cakes and... I know I shouldn't have just accused her without proof but I kinda figured if you could steal some vodka from a bar, what would stop you from stealing money from the other guest." Samantha explained. Before Samuel could even respond, he heard another voice nearby.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" yelled the voice of Kayla. She didn't sound happy. She sounded like she had been worried sick. Samuel sighed. He remembered this tone of voice before. It was the aggrevated voice of a woman who had felt so much fear about the idea that one of their loved ones disappeared on them and they had been worried the worst might have happened. Samuel sighed.

"There was somewhere I had to be. Melissa needed me, so I asked Tahj for a ride to my house to get some things, then, using my own car, I went to the hospital to check on her." Samuel explained. It wasn't a complete lie.... but he didn't want to mention the creepy messages he kept getting from his horror movie inspired stalkers. Before Kayla could give her thought of this, Robby walked by, and he noticed that Robby seemed off somehow.

"What happened to you?" Samuel asked, not seeing any bruise or anything that indicated that he had gotten into a bad altercation or anything.

"I found Mrs. LaRusso's wallet. Some former friends of mine had the wallet... those guys' new friend fo take me out. Mr. LaRusso then stepped in and beat the crud out of the thugs." Robby explained. Then Robby went inside the former house of Miyagi to speak with Daniel. When Daniel and Robby walked back out to the main training space in the back yard, Daniel was explaining to Robby that he was not recruited by Miyagi when he had started training under Miyagi. Daniel had decided to turn to Miyagi, not the other way around.

"Excuse me." A new voice to the backyard said. Samuel looked up and was surprised to see Demetri walking towards them.

"Uh, it was unclear if the gate was the front or if I was supposed to ring the doorbell." Demetri explained before he noticed the pond where the Miyagi-Do students had been training on the use of the wheel technique earlier.

"Is that a koi pond? How much does it cost to maintain that?"  Demetri asked

"Demetri, what are you doing here?" Samuel asked his friend, surprised that the guy who hated gym class would bother going to a place where he'd have to do actual exercise. Especially given that Demetri had once tried to join Cobra Kai back when Hawk had recently joined.... and found himself not being a big fan of the dojo.

"Uh... I wanna learn karate." Demetri explained. Samuel, Daniel, Robby, Samantha, and Kayla couldn't help but smile at hearing this.

"You've come to the right place." Daniel said excitedly.

"Your training starts tomorrow. For now... why don't I show you around the place." Samuel told Demetri.

Ramon and Miguel were surprised to see Mike Barnes and The Black Dragons surrounding them. Justin let out a sadistic laugh.

"The only thing better would be if it had been Parker in your place." Justin told Ramon and Miguel. Ramon looked around. This didn't look good. It was one thing to fight a bunch of drunk jerks at a bar... but to fight against a whole dojo of fighters with only two people was another matter entirely.

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