Chapter 12: Trust issues

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Rage... pure rage... that's what Samuel felt when he and Kayla arrived at the Miyagi-Do Karate dojo to find it trashed on the inside of what used to be Mr. Miyagi's house and on the outside where the students usually did their training. Soon enough Robby, Samantha, and Daniel arrived.
"Samuel... what happened here?" Daniel asked. Samuel shrugged.

"I have no idea... but I have an idea who is responsible for this... it was either the Cobra Kai students we beat yesterday... the Black Dragon students who joined them... or both." Samuel replied as he walked away, his anger boiling. But before Samuel could go very far, he heard something that made him even angrier.

"They even took Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor." Daniel said in horror.

"Dad." Samantha's voice said from the front of the dojo. The group walked out of the dojo to see Daniel's classic yellow car had red, spray painted letters on it that said the words Cobra Kai NEVER DIES!' Daniel remembered how he got the yellow car and then he went inside. He was going to give Johnny Lawrence a piece of his mind... but he wasn't the only one. Samuel grabbed his phone and called Ramon

"Mr. LaRusso?" Robby asked.

"Dad, where are you going?" Samantha asked, worried.

"Samuel, who are you calling?" Kayla asked.

Ramon was not expecting his phone to ring as he watched Miguel and Hawk spar in the dojo. Class had begun in Cobra Kai already and it had seemed that Miguel and Hawk were pretty even. Ramon reached for his phone.

"Mr. Aguilar, what are you doing?" Kreese asked.

"Checking if it's my grandpa. I live with my grandpa so he often calls me a lot to run some errands for him after class." Ramon explained. Ramon was surprised to see it was Samuel. Ramon stood up and bowed at Johnny before leaving trying to leave the room before Kreese stopped him.

"Parker is calling you... answer the phone and put it on speaker." Kreese said, trying to hide the smile in his face. Reluctantly, Ramon did as Kreese said.


"Wait... something happened at Miyagi-Do?" Ramon asked. Samuel sighed as he sounded like he was calming down from the other end.

"Someone trashed the Miyagi-Do dojo and left a message for us from Cobra Kai... they even stole Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor." Samuel explained. Suddenly Kreese took the phone from him.

"Hello, Parker... I don't know which of my students trashed your dojo or stole the slope's Medal of Honor.... but I can tell you this... that medal is probably is in much more deserving hands... it's not like the slope can tell anyone here he wants it back." Kreese taunted Samuel. Samuel growled.

"No one who STEALS a Medal of Honor deserves to have it. It is a symbol of honor and heroism... not of thievery and rudeness... so if you think anyone of you actually deserves that medal... get your head out of your ass and use the brain inside of it to get your damn life in order you worthless elephant wrinkled flesh sack!" Samuel replied before he hung the phone up on Kreese. Kreese chuckled before he tossed the phone back to Ramon... and Ramon saw that Kreese tried to hide the look of glee on his face... as if Samuel's suffering in particular made Kreese as happy as a kid in a candy store. Ramon looked around to see who could have possibly trashed Miyagi-Do. Johnny sighed. He was hoping this wasn't his students... he did NOT want to deal with this. But sure enough they heard a car approach and park outside and in a few seconds Daniel LaRusso walked in... just as angry as Samuel Parker had sounded.

"The hell do you think you're doing?" Johnny asked.

"Like you don't know." Daniel replied as he stood on the mat. Despite hearing what Samuel had said in Ramon's phone call... he still couldn't believe this was happening.

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