Chapter 7: Ice, Fire, and Chaos!

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Author note: So, you may be wondering... where is Chapter 6? Chapter 6 is a chapter that is being written by Bold_Official following Ramon and what happens when he hears about what happened to Melissa.... but due to personal life stuff, he hasn't been able to finish it. That said, I wanted to give you guys something, and since this chapter is back to being Samuel-centric and doesn't really build on Chapter 6: Hatchling too much, we find ourselves here. That said, I'm also working on another Miyagi-Do Karate side project... a non canon to this series Christmas special for this year. Hopefully I can get that done in my current medical situation, but you never know unless you try.
Edit: Chapter 6 is now available to read. You won't want to miss Ramon's side of the story before this chapter... so if you haven't I highly recommend you check it out!

Samuel and Robby got into Samuel's car. Like he promised, Samuel was going to find out what Mr. LaRusso wanted to talk about last night. Afterwards, he'd head to the dojo to help train the beginners they had gotten since winning the All Valley Karate Tournament. Samuel sighed. Some of the students had left when chores were involved, others stayed because Samuel explained what was going on early on. He found himself agreeing with Daniel on the fact that people had no patience these days, and as a result often failed to find the hidden messages behind a message.

'Speaking of messages.... I need to find out what are those creepy messages I keep getting all about.' Samuel thought as he continued driving. When Samuel and Robby arrived at the LaRusso house, the two walked to the door and Samuel rang the doorbell. Samantha was the one to open the door.

"Sammy, hi!" Samantha said, flustered at seeing him so early in the morning. Samuel smiled.

"Hi, Sam." Samuel replied before Robby fake coughed, getting the Sams attention. Samantha then motioned for the two to walk into the house. They walked into the living room where Daniel was waiting.

"Hey. Samuel, thanks for bringing Robby. I need to talk to him about something very quick before I speak with you as well. Robby, follow me please. I can promise you it's nothing bad." Daniel told the two boys. Samuel nodded and Robby followed Daniel. Samuel and Samantha looked at each other as they were left in the living room.

"Ssoo.... how are you coping with the whole, 'I'm totally single' thing ?" Samuel asked, knowing she had been struggling with what had happened between her and Miguel.

"I'm better. How are you and Lauren doing?" Samantha asked. Samuel sighed.

"I almost broke up with her... then she springs something like her uncle passed away and how much she's glad she has me or whatever... but the thing is... I never see her anymore. It's been like there has been some distance between us since she walked away while I was hyperventilating back before the tournament." Samuel replied. Samantha sighed before she looked at an old picture of her and Samuel as kids.

"Maybe it's become a distant relationship because you know that if Lauren really loved you... she'd have called for help or stayed with you." Samantha replied as she grabbed the picture. Samuel looked at it with her and he remembered what had occurred that day. It had been a Christmas that the Parker family had shared with the LaRussos.

Samuel and Samantha did everything together. They are together, trained together, played together.... they were an inseparable duo. The two kids were outside playing when suddenly, Samuel looked at the sky.

"Sammy... is something wrong?" Samantha asked. Samuel chuckled. The kid remembered something he had seen earlier while Christmas shopping. He took out a Ringpop, unopened and he got down on one knee.

"After I saw some guy do this in the city, I asked what it was about. Something about two people who really really like each other living together forever. So... since I really, really like you... will you marry me when we grow up?" Samuel asked as he gave her the Ringpop.

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