Chapter 11: The Brawl at the Mall

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The next day arrived and Ramon was surprised to see John Kreese was still in the dojo with Johnny. Both he and Miguel gave each other an uneasy look, but they had come to a silent agreement... neither of the two would mention the Black Dragons and Mike Barnes unless they were in a position insured that Kreese would not overhear them. Soon enough Johnny had the Cobra Kai students fall in and was demonstrated a back thrust kick, before he let Kreese take over the lecture for this move... and despite his best efforts to trust Johnny's judgement... the way Samuel described Kreese all that time ago in his camping trip with him last semester left a scathing message on who Kreese was as a person. Ramon also noticed another change to the dojo... Hawk's mohawk was no longer blue... it was blood red.

Samuel had no idea why Daniel wanted to bring Demetri in with the more experienced members... perhaps because he trusted them to spar amongst themselves... or sensed Demetri's hesitation to learn when compared to the beginners course Samuel normally taught... but for now, the group of himself, Tahj, Alfredo, Marie, Nicole, Robby, and Samantha were left to their own devices as Daniel focused on training Demetri. As per usual when Daniel was not present in class, Samuel was in charge of the class, and currently he was going through a series and punches and kicks with the group, like he often heard Cobra Kai had done in their dojos.

"Right hand jab!" Samuel said before he threw a punch with a 'hi ah!' Followed by the rest of the students doing the same. As Samuel led the other students through training, he almost pitied Daniel. Demetri was as smart as a whip, but he was not the most receptive learner when it came to physical activities if his poor performance in PE the last semester was anything to go by. As Demetri walked by the class saying he needed to pee, Samuel looked at Daniel who looked exasperated, but chose not to comment on it as he switched move.

"Hook kick!" Samuel said.

After a bit of lecture on the new move, Johnny and Kreese were now sparring to show the students higher level combat. Despite Ramon's concerns for his character, Ramon could admit that Kreese was a highly skilled martial artist, who had incredible strength and endurance for an older fellow. He knew that Kreese didn't stop training even after leaving the military, but it seemed like he didn't stop training after losing Cobra Kai in the 80 either. Johnny caught Kreese's kick and closed in on his former teacher.
"You're a little rusty, Sensei." Johnny told Kreese, making Ramon wonder how fell Kreese fought in the 80s, during the height of Cobra Kai's dominance. Johnny stepped back and the match continued until Kreese had Johnny in the same chock hold that he had Johnny in back when he had lost the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament.

"Ok, pay attention. He's got my neck, I got his elbow. If I try to break out..." Johnny said as he attempted to break out of the hold.

"I dig in and I put him to sleep." Kreese replied before Johnny stopped trying in order to continue the lesson.

"If I go for his ribs..." Johnny said as he elbowed Kreese's rib, freeing himself.

"He's free." Ramon said in awe.

"Yes, but he completely explodes his chest. If I raise my leg and kick him with my knee, that would land a devastating blow on him, possibly ending the fight regardless." Kreese replied as he lightly picked up his leg to show how the kick would land, before Johnny let himself get back into the hole again.

"Two difficult choices. What do you do?" Johnny asked. No one said anything. Ramon thought through the scenario... thinking back on fights that he had fought in the past or fights he witnessed Samuel fighting.

"Neither one of those choices would be worth it. I would go for his legs... he would fall, and while I would go down with him, the force of the blow would make him release me. Both me and my enemy would be winded, but there is always a chance I'll get my bearings before my enemy." Ramon answered before Johnny went for Kreese's legs and sure enough, knocked himself and Kreese down.

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