Chapter 9: Flight of the Dragon (edited ending)

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Author note: While this is once again a mostly Samuel centered chapter of Miyagi-Do Karate, this chapter heavily builds off the events of the Ramon-centric chapter 6: Hatchling. If you have not read Hatchling yet due to it being released AFTER Chapter 7 and at the same time as Chapter 8, this is your warning that you MUST read Hatchling before you can understand what is going on in this chapter. ~Sage

It was what seemed like a normal day for Samuel as he went through the Miyagi-Do kata while Samantha was stretching. Robby, meanwhile was punching the punching bag as per usual, and Kayla was sparring with Nicole. Tahj and Alfredo were sparring against each other and Marie was practicing various kicks.

"Maybe we should take a video of us sparring and post it on Instagram. It might help after everything that went down yesterday." Robby said, still bothered by the Cobra Kai and Black Dragons wrecking everything.

"There'd be no way anyone would care. All three of our dojos looked like crazy people last night as Valley Fest." Samuel replied.

"Maybe it would have worked if the Black Dragons didn't make things worse." Robby said, sighing.

"If Samuel hadn't won the All Valley... this would have been a lot harder." Samantha pointed out. Robby nodded.

"Miyagi-Do's all about defense. If Samuel hadn't won, then Cobra Kai would have been so much more popular that this would seem hopeless. People don't get attracted to the defense, they go to see the offense." Robby pointed out.

"So what exactly are we supposed to do? We don't know how long the glow of the All Valley win is going to last... and..." Samantha started to say before Samuel sighed.

"What's up, Samuel." Samantha asked.

"We shouldn't act like we don't constantly get new students. Sure, Valley Fest was a set back, but people still come to Miyagi-Do hoping to better themselves after what happened at the All Valley. So what if we can't get new students as fast as Cobra Kai in the long run... we focus on our message... we focus on bringing hope to the people we do have... and we believe that it will spread. If you help someone... you help everyone. Al least, that's how I see it." Samuel replied. Both Robby and Samantha pondered that. So far it had proven true... this dojo had just started off with Samuel and Daniel... Samuel took a hand in training the Miyagi-Do Five and even before the All Valley, more students walked through the door seeking hope... all because Daniel and Samuel believed in their message and spread it.

"So... are we having training today?" Alfredo asked. Samuel shrugged.

"I don't think so. Mr. LaRusso would have started by now." Samuel replied. The others nodded.

"In that case, we're going to go. We still need to clear our heads after last night." Marie told Samuel. He nodded and the Tahj and the others left, leaving just Samuel, Samantha, Robby, and Kayla in the dojo. Curious, Samuel went go see what Daniel was up to.

"Hey, Mr. LaRusso... I see you are working on the good ol' banana mobile." Samuel said as he went to the front of what used to be Mr. Miyagi's house and saw Daniel fixing the car that Mr. Miyagi had given to him years ago.

"Yup. Trying to get it going again. You know... Samantha calls this thing the banana boat... it's almost scary how similar your names for this car is." Daniel teased. Samuel chuckled before Daniel got out from under the car and stood up to look at him.

"Have I ever told you about my first job selling cars?" Daniel asked.

"Nope." Samuel replied.

"It was at this used car lot in Tarzana. The owner there, he thought he was God's gift to sales." Daniel explained as he carried the red thing that Daniel had been laying on when he was under the car and he put it on the ground near a retro looking toolbox.

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