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Just another boring day in the real world; go to school, come home, go to sleep and repeat the cycle. Just once I wish that I could do something cool; at least I have my favorite show RWBY. I wish that I was part of that universe; it'd be cool to have a semblance and fight Grimm. Plus I wouldn't mind getting to know some of the resident hotties but a boy can only dream.

I pause RWBY and go make some lunch. I take the pizza out of the oven when I hear a crash. I run to it and see two figures I never thought I'd see.

Light: "Greetings."

Y/N: "Oh my god! It's Light and Darkness!"

Darkness: "You know of us?"

Y/N: "Do I?! I just want to say, huge fan."

Light: *to Darkness* "This is unexpected."

Y/N: "What are you guys doing here?"

Light: "We need your help."

I scream in joy realizing what is happening. I pinch myself and scream seeing that I'm not dreaming.

Darkness: "Why'd you pinch yourself?"

Y/N: "Because I'm not dreaming! I've always wanted to be isekai'd!"

Darkness: *to Light* "Are you sure it was wise to pick him?"

Light: "Better than no one. We need your help in bringing peace to Remnant."

Y/N: "I accept!!!"

Light: "Just like that?"

Y/N: "Hell yeah!! Who wouldn't want to go to Remnant?! Plus the real world sucks, being cooped up in the house for three months is boring."

Darkness: "Well that was easy. Now for a semblance."

Y/N: "Ooh, I have an idea."

Light: "What is it?"

Y/N: "If you want me to beat Salem I'll need to be immortal."

Darkness: "He's not wrong, it'll take an immortal to be an immortal."

Light: "Very well, that shall be your semblance, you shall never die."

Y/N: "Oh Lord have mercy. It's showtime~!"

Light: "Ready?"

Y/N: "Just a sec."

I run to my room and grab a few things. Phone check, charger check, okay all set. I walk back to Light and Darkness to find them waiting for me. 

Y/N: "Let's get this show on the road!"

Light: "Fair warning, you may feel a slight pinch."

Y/N: "I don't care, Remnant here I come!"

Light: *to self* "Oum help us."

Light taps my forehead and instantly I find myself in my favorite place in all of fiction. I walk down the streets with the biggest smile on my face and pure wonder in my eyes. I scream in joy at being here when I jump and click my heels. 

Y/N: "This place is awesome!"

Citizen: "Shut the hell up, I'm trying to sleep!"

Y/N: "Sorry!"

I calm down my enthusiasm and contain myself.

Y/N: "It's almost like walking in the real world. I can't wait to meet everyone at Beacon. Wait a second, I have the opportunity to prevent the fall of Beacon. Maybe I could do some good here and save everyone. But if I do that then some things won't happen like Jacques getting arrested, Yang talking to her mom and Blake reuniting with her parents. But, if I do prevent it then I stop Pyrrha from dying and Jaune from becoming depressed, Yang from losing her arm and having nightmares and poor Penny from being ripped apart by Pyrrha. Man I'm so conflicted; I want to let the fall happen so I can meet everyone else in the series but all the deaths in the fall will haunt me. I really should have come up with a plan instead of just blindly accepting this quest out of joy of seeing Remnant."

I push that to the side for now and continue walking until I come across the store with the cheesiest name on earth. I walk inside the store and walk to the back to see Remnant's version of red riding hood. I feel my heart rate quicken seeing her just right there. I steel my nerves and tap her shoulder.

Ruby: "Yes?"

Damnit she's pretty in person! I get she's fifteen but I'm sixteen so not really an issue with the close in age exemption. I stare into her pretty silver eyes and get lost in how gorgeous they are in person. I stare for too long because she places her hand on Crescent Rose.

Ruby: "Stranger."

Y/N: "Sorry, my name's Y/N L/N."

Ruby: "Ruby Rose."

Y/N: "I don't have much time but there is about to be a robbery."

Right on que Roman Torchwick walks in and says his signature first line.

Roman: "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?"

Shopkeep: "P-please! Just take my lien and leave!"

Roman: "Shhh, calm down, we're not here for your money. Grab the dust."

Ruby goes wide eyed and looks at me in confusion. I simply turn around and head out of the store. When outside I see a goon land next to Roman while Ruby dives through the window with a goon.

Roman: "You were worth evet cent. Truly, you were. Well Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around... I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

I quickly run away and follow Roman up a fire escape where me and Ruby corner him to a ledge. I simply walk behind cover and wait for the fighting to stop. A few minutes later the bullhead flies away and I peak out from cover to see the thiccest teacher in Remnant Glynda Goodwitch.

Y/N: "Damn you're fine!"

She looks at me with a very faint hint of pink in her cheeks but drags us to the police station to tell us off. The whole time I watch her boobs lightly bounce every time she moves. I smile at the sight when she steps to the side and Ozpin walks into the room. I silently groan at seeing him, he is defiantly one of my least favorite characters solely because he likes to keep secrets that should be shared such as the Grimm's attraction to relics. 

I let those two have their talk while I look at Glynda and wink at her which causes her to look to the side and slightly smile. 

Ozpin: "You want to join my school?"

Ruby: "More than anything."

Ozpin: "Well okay, you can join too if you want."

Y/N: "Sure."

We get up to leave when Ozpin calls out to me.

Ozpin: "I would like a word with you."

I groan and sit back down in my seat. He pulls out the tablet from earlier and shows me some footage of me appearing out of nowhere. 

Ozpin: "We ran records on you and came back with nothing, it's like you don't exist. You appear out of nowhere and happen to be in the same place as Miss Rose, tell me, where did you come from?"

I cross my arms and stand up.

Y/N: "Wouldn't you like to know."

I head out of the police station when I look at Glynda and smile.

Y/N: "I'll be seeing more of you later miss sexy teacher."

Her cheeks turn a shade of pink and I head out of the police station to prepare for Beacon.

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