Oh My

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The sun rises and I sit up rubbing my eyes. I had the strangest dream, I dreamed that I got transported to the world of RWBY and attended Beacon. I smile at the fantasy when I hear a very loud voice.

Nora: "Wake up lazy bud!"

I go wide eyed and see Nora in the flesh. Holy shit that dream was real, I really am in the world of Remnant. I scream in joy on the inside and jump to my feet to start the day. I put on my regular clothes and head to where I smell the food. I stack my tray and take my first bite. Sweet Caroline, this is good! I figured since this was just a drawing it wouldn't taste like anything, but no, it really does taste like the real deal. I continue to enjoy my food when Ruby and Yang sit down next to me.

Ruby: "Hey."

Y/N: "Hello."

Yang: "Say Y/N, I've been meaning to ask you something."

Y/N: "What is it?"

Yang: "Where did you get your clothes? I've never seen anything like them."

Ruby: "I've been wondering that too."

Y/N: "I got them from a store that is no longer open, their style was abstract so that's why they look weird."

Yang: "Oh, I guess that makes sense."

I continue to eat when we head to the locker room. I stand there like an idiot not having a weapon and just watch everyone else pull out their weapon. I really need to get me one of those if I want to be on a level playing field. Although not being to die already puts my opponents at a disadvantage. I shake my head when I hear the loud speaker telling us where to go. I follow everyone else and they lead me to Beacon cliff. 

Ozpin: "For years you have trained to become warriors and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

Glynda: "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion; each of you will given teammates today."

I look out into the forest and feel a little nervous. The creatures of Grimm looked like they were easy to fight on the show, but I'll be seeing them up close and in person. Even if I can't die that doesn't help my nerves at seeing Grimm in the flesh. I get taken out of my thoughts by being flung from my spot and into the forest. 

I scream as I soar through the air until I start descending towards the ground. I brace for impact and hit the dirt in a awkward position. I feel my bones break as I continue to bounce and skid across the ground until I finally come to a stop. I sit up and groan at the pain my body is in; luckily it doesn't last long because they begin healing back to normal. I finally stand up and pop my back when I hear rustling behind me.

I tense up and feel my knees shake when I see a Ursa Major come out of the bushes and stand on its hind legs. This is hands down the scariest moment of my life; the Ursa Major has actual drool coming from its mouth and I can see the murderous intent in its eyes. The Ursa Major roars then runs at me. On instinct my body jumps to the side and the Ursa Major misses me. It turns around and kicks up the ground. I steel myself and lift my arms in a defensive stance. 

The Ursa Major runs at me again and I jump to the side. However the Ursa Major grabs my ankle and slings me to the side. I land on my back when the Ursa Major hovers over me and claws at me cutting through my clothes and flesh. It then bites down on my left shoulder making it pop. I scream in pain as the Ursa Major now moves its head causing as much damage as it can to my shoulder. I look to my right and see a broken stick; I grab it and just keep slamming it on the Ursa Major's head. 

After a while the Ursa Major lets go and falls on my chest. It turns to dust while I breath heavily in fear. I place my hand over my heart and it feels like it is about to beat out of my chest. I look at my hand and see it covered in blood. I calm myself enough to get up and continue on my way to the chess pieces. I make it and see Beowolves and Ursai surrounding the pieces. A Beowolf spots me and howls alerting the other Grimm.

3rd POV

Ozpin: "You four will work together as team RWBY, led by, Ruby Rose."

Everyone cheers and claps when Ozpin speaks again.

Ozpin: "That will be all of the teams so be sure to-"

The door to the auditorium bursts open and everyone gasps seeing the sight before them. Y/N walks through the crowd still holding his stick which is now only as long as him palm. He makes it to the stage and hands Ozpin his chess piece that is covered in so much blood that the true color of the piece is unknown. Ozpin looks on in shock as his student's disturbing appearance. 

Y/N is covered in both black and red blood with some areas appearing brown due to the colors mixing. His clothes are severely damaged with the only thing remaining is his pants which now only reaches his knees. His hair is smoothed down and coated in both his and Grimm blood; the only place not covered in blood is his eyes. Ozpin finally collects himself and speaks while still looking at Y/N.

Ozpin: "Y/N L/N, you have collected the knight piece. From this day forward you will work on your own team."

Y/N: "Thanks, now if you'll excuse me, I need a shower."

Y/N walks off of the stage and through the sea of students with some of them getting out of his way. Y/N walks through the auditorium door, takes a left and disappears with the only thing being left behind is a set of bloody footprints.

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