The Queen

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Into the next semester I chill out in my room when I get a text on my scroll.

Roman: "I just got a job."

Y/N: "What is it?"

Roman: "White Fang rally."

Y/N: "You have to give a speech and reveal your little Atlas toys right?"

Roman: "How did you know?"

Y/N: "Not important, just know that you will have interference and have to fight a certain hooded girl and her team."

Roman: "Damnit, I can never escape her."

Y/N: "Hey watch it, she happens to be someone close to me. Hurt her or her team and you can kiss my help goodbye."

Roman: *sigh* "Fine, I won't hurt her or her team."

Y/N: "Good, I'll stay in touch."

Roman: "What about me and Neo?"

Y/N: "Just do your job and play friendly Cinder."

Roman: "Copy that."

I put my scroll away and try to get some sleep. About an hour later I dream about playing with team RWBY when everything around me disappears and I see nothing.

Voice: "Hello."

I turn around and see the palest woman on Remnant.

Y/N: "Salem."

Salem: "You know of me?"

Y/N: "I know a lot more than you think I do."

Salem: "Prove it."

Y/N: *smiles* "You hate the brother gods because you believe it's their fault Ozma was taken from you. You view it unfair because where no blade could kill him a single sickness could. You begged and pleaded with Light only to be denied; you then went to Darkness but we both know how that ended. You hate the gods because they took away Ozma; you hate him now because he tried to take away your daughters and you felt hurt."

Salem: "There will be a portal opened at the back of Beacon tonight. Step through it so we can meet."

Y/N: "Why?"

Salem: "I wish to get to know you better."

Y/N: "Why would you want to do that?"

Salem: "You interest me."

Y/N: "Way to be vague."

Salem smiles and I wake up from my dream. I look around and figure I might as well see what she has to say. I get dressed, gear up and make my way the back of Beacon. I look around and see nothing but the night school life.

Y/N: "Tell me to come here and don't even have the portal here; Oum it's freezing."

I rub my hands together to try and warm them up when I hear a whoosh and see the portal Salem said would be here. I walk through and instantly arrive at Salem's castle. I walk down the halls until I hear the sound of voices. I open the doors and see Salem and her crew.

Salem: "You're finally here."

Y/N: "Yes I am."

Salem: "Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is-"

Y/N: "Tock, Tyrian, Watts and Hazel."

Tyrian: "How is it that this cretin knows of us my Goddess?"

Y/N: "That's my little secret Scorpio."

Tyrian: "What did you call me?!"

Salem: "Silence Tyrian!"

Tyrian: "Yes my Goddess!"

Y/N: "Hahaha! You are such a coward to her!"

Tyrian growls then lunges at me brandishing his wrist blades. I just stand there and let his blades pierce my body. He pulls out his blade and just cuts my body over and over causing massive lacerations while laughing like a lunatic.

Salem POV

I see Tyrian use his blades to cut up Y/N and get stare in anger at Tyrian. He finally stops and I can practically see the fear coming off of him.


Y/N: "You done?"

Tyrian: "How are you still standing?!"

Y/N: "I could tell you but you have something on your face."

Tyrian pats his face when I grin and punch him square in his jaw.

Y/N: "It was pain!"

He flies backwards and crashes through the glass window. I look down at my wounds and see them closing up. I look at my tattered top clothes and just rip them off. I look at the baddies and see them looking at me in surprise.

Y/N: "What?"

Salem gets off her throne and walks to me. I look at the others and see fear on their faces.

Salem: "Everyone, leave. Now."

They immediately get out of their seats and exit the room. I feel my heart sink a little fearing what might happen when Salem walks to a chair and sits down.

Salem: *pats seat next to her* "Come, sit down."

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