Airship Ride

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I board the airship bound for Beacon and get a little scared seeing most of the passengers covered in shadow. Were the animators trying to keep them a secret or were just confined to a budget and didn't have the resources to make background characters? I may never know the answer but at least they'll be gone by the second volume. I look around the airship until I hear a voice I recognize.

Yang: "I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me!"

I walk to the voice and see the soon be made brawler of team RWBY, Yang Xiao Long. Wait, if I'm seeing her then does that mean Barbra Dunkelman is her natural voice? Eh, I'll try not to think about it too much to avoid hurting my brain.

Y/N: "Hey."

Ruby: "It's you again."

Yang: "You two know each other?"

Ruby: "Yeah, we met each other the night I got accepted into Beacon. You should have been there, he predicted a robbery!"

Y/N: "I'm don't predict the future I just know things."

Yang: "Oh yeah? Then tell me something that only my family would know."

She smugly smiles which I return.

Y/N: "Your semblance lets you absorb attacks and add it your own strength. It is connected to your hair which you are super protective of."

Yang and Ruby's eyes widen as I simply smile.

Yang: "Are sure you're not just a stalker?"

Y/N: "I'm not! Granted that's not to say you're not worthy of looking at, I mean just look at you, damn."

Her cheeks turn pink and she looks away while twirling her hair. I look to the side and see the news reporting on the robbery from last night.

Cyril: "The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa."

Lisa: "Thank you, Cyril. in other news, this Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

The news cuts out and a hologram of Glynda appears.

Glynda: "Hello, and welcome to Beacon."

Yang: "Who's that?"

Y/N: "Glynda Goodwitch."

Yang: "Oh."

Glynda: "You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

The hologram disappears and everyone runs to the side of the airship to look out the window. 

Ruby: "Look, you can see Signal from up here. I guess home isn't too far after all."

Yang: "Beacon's our home now."

I look to the side and see Jaune about to run past us. I bump Yang out of the way which makes her a little angry.

Yang: "What was that for?"

I point over my shoulder at Jaune puking his guts out.

Y/N: "He would have gotten puke on your shoes."

Yang: "Oh. I guess the view isn't for everyone."

Ruby: "It was a nice moment while it lasted."

Yang: "I wonder who we're going to meet."

Ruby: "I just hope they're better than vomit boy. Oh gross you have puke on your shoes!"

Yang: "Gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross!"

Y/N: "Damnit!"

I take a step forward with Ruby jumping into Yang's arms. 

Ruby: "Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me!"

Y/N: "Somebody give me a towel or something!"

I take another step forward which makes Yang back up.

Yang:  "Keep the puke to yourself!"

Y/N: "Not helping!"

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