Honor Among Thieves

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The time for the Forest of Forever Fall comes and I walk with the others.

Goodwitch: "Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to gather one jar of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!"

I walk with team RWBY and just wait for Cardin's teammate to come running to us. He does and I run to see Jaune take care of the Ursa Major. I arrive just in time to see the Ursa Major get beheaded. I see Jaune stand up to Cardin and smile; I then wait for Jaune to leave and confront Cardin.

Y/N: "I'm going to enjoy this."

Cardin: "What are you going to do?"

Y/N: "Make sure you never pick on anyone ever again."

Sometime later I finish up my handiwork and we head back to the bullheads. When we reach Beacon everyone spots the work I did on Cardin. They burst into laughter and he just hangs his head in shame while making his way back to his dorm. That Monday I try to help RWY find Blake. I split off from them and run to the shipping yard. I wait for nightfall and see Blake and Sun waiting on a rooftop.

Y/N: "Hey."

Blake: "Y/N?"

Sun: "How did you find us?"

Y/N: "I have my ways."

Blake rolls her ways while Sun just analyzes me with his eyes. I clear my throat and look to the side to see Roman's bullhead arriving. I smile and jump down to join him.

Roman: "Hurry up, we're not the most conspicuous group of thieves."

Y/N: "Hey there."

Roman: "Huntsman."

Y/N: "I come in peace."

Roman: "What do you want?"

Y/N: "First get me in a hold."

Roman: "Huh?"

I run at Roman and make it look like he overpowered me.

Blake: "Y/N! Let him go!"

Roman: "What is going on?"

Y/N: "I know of your plan for Beacon and Neo."

Roma: *shocked* "How do you know her?"

Y/N: "Doesn't matter, point is I can make it so you and her can get out and live peaceful lives."

Roman: "How?"

Y/N: "Just keep in contact with me and I'll fill you in on the plan."

Roman: "How do I reach you?"

I pull out a sheet of paper that I written on earlier and discreetly slip it into his coat pocket.

Y/N: "That paper has my scroll number on it, you and Neo save it and wait for further instructions."

Roman: "Are you sure you can help us?"

Y/N: "As long as you do as I say."

Roman: "I'm trusting you."

Y/N: "Good, now push me away and fire a combustion round at my face."

Roman: "Are you insane?!"

Y/N: "Just trust me."

Roma: *unsure* "Okay."

Roman shoves me away and fires a combustion round in my face blowing me backwards.

Sun: "Dude!!!"

Y/N: "I'm fine monkey."

Sun: "It's Sun!"

Y/N: "Whatever."

I draw my sword and get busy taking down White Fang members. I cut down my last one and see Roman running to a bullhead. He looks at me and I wink as he does the same. Pretty soon cops arrive and we start giving out statements. I look to the side and see Blake and Weiss talking.

Blake: "Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the white fang, Back when I was with them-"

Weiss: "Stop, do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you? Twelve hours, that means I've had twelve hours to think about this and in those twelve hours I've decided. I don't care"

Blake: "You don't care?"

Weiss: "You said you're not one of them anymore, right?"

Blake: "No. I-I haven't been since I was younger."

Weiss: "Upupupup. I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up? You'll come to one of your teammates and not some," *looks at monkey* "Someone else."

Blake: "Of course."

Ruby: "Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!"

We laugh at her and head back to Beacon; along the way I get a text message on my scroll.

Text: "I saved your number and so has Neo."

Y/N: "Good, keep an eye on it and wait for me to text."

Roman: "What exactly is this plan of yours?"

Y/N: "Just know that there will be fighting."

My scroll pings and I see that someone has joined the text group.

Text2: "Will I get to kill?"

Y/N: "Yes Neo."

Neo: "Looking forward to it."

Y/N: "FYI, keep this between us three."

Neo, Roman: "Will do."

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