Osaka (Osa-Car) Vlive Part 1

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Let's start with an easy one, the Osaka Vlive where Jimin is (most likely) hiding in the bathroom.... if I miss anything feel free to comment and I'll add it.


July 12th 2016


The Most Beautiful Moment in Life on Stage Epilogue Tour, Osaka Japan

The night of the (maybe day 1 but not 100% on that) Osaka show, Taehyung is doing a VLive broadcast and fans request that he see what the other members are doing. He texts someone-I am assuming a manager or staff and gets Jungkook's room number. He goes into the hall and knocks on his door. 

Jk: Who is it

Tae: V

Jk: Who is it

Tae: V app

Jungkoook can then be very clearly heard saying "Jimi..." Tae knocks again and Jungkook informs him that he has no pants on. You can hear some muffled sounds and some soft thuds at this point. Jungkook eventually let's him in and there are a few things that I would like to mention here; 1- Jungkook is tying his robe here with his back turned to the camera so he was as he had stated definently not dressed (in fact Tae actually lifts up the bottom of his robe and looks confirming this for us) 2- the lights are quite dimmed inside the room. 3- There is music playing, The body Electric by Lana del ray, a few notes about this music here the song is playing at a rather high volume, much too high for conversation to happen around it in fact Jungkook has to turn it down in order to continue the VLive with Tae. Also even if Jungkook doesn't nessesarily speak and understand all English, the vibe of the song itself is still quite aparent its sensual ok. And I actually become a little confused here with the whole music situation as well because when Tae asks what the song is, Jungkook replies "I don't know" but when turning it down it is turned down by his phone so its obviously bluetooth. So either he is not nessesarily being 100% honest and he does know the song or it is on a premade playlist on like spotify or smth and what kind of playilist do you think would contain this song?

Jk to Tae: Why are you suddenly here, you scared me, you scared me" 

Why is he scared exactly?

As Jungkook flits around the room turning on lights and mussing about stuff seeming either distracted or nervous, you can very clearly hear a voice say "Oh you scared me" now I have heard many people say that this was Jungkook but I think I disagree with that because for one whon is he talking to? Tae is in front of him in full view of him, two he already said that, twice why would he say it again and 3 it just does not sound like Jungkook to me, the voice that makes the statement has a much stronget accent than Jungkook does. 

As Jungkook and Tae are talking to the camera Jungkook says a few things that leave me a little puzzled honestly because they seem very random. He remarks that his makeup is smeared and then when tae asks what he said, he repeats it a second time, ok? In addition Jungkook says "I ate bread and rice and was going to eat bread again?"

SO to recap, Jungkook was in his hotel room not wearing any pants, with dimmed lights and sensual music on eating bread? Ok ?

There is also a small possibly important part that other analyses and army have found quite significant that I am going to talk about even though i do not personally put much weight on it as evidence of Jimin being in the room. Anyway, Tae says that they should serenade army becuase all the other members have. Jungkook responds by saying smth like "are you sure all the other members have?" Tae says yes, and Jungkook says "i think you're lying." Others have said he remarked that he was lying because since Jimin was with Jungkook he hadn't sang it yet so therefore all members haven't sang it yet making the statement Tae said untrue as Jungkook pointed out. I didn't really see a huge significance in this part I mean I guess I can see why others do, I just think there is so much more tangible things that happen in the video.

Jungkook does end up singing for army after some delaying saying how he doesnt know the words etc but he does sing and it is flawless of course. What is interesting to me here is that pretty much throughout the song, he shifts his glance to something put of the cameras view. It happens more than a few times he was obviously looking at somethimg or someone. 


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