I have think

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I don't interact with other armies a whole lot i have had some very negative experiences before so i try to keep my interactions to a bare minimum except like here on wattpad but if i do interact i most certainly don't bring up shipping. Thats a whole can of worms that I dont wanna have with anyone lol. However doing some research for this book and i legit found so much hate so many negative things about both Jungkook and Jimin I almost cried like for real. How can people be so mean? Like "Jimin needs to leave bts he makes Taekook uncomfortable" "How could he try to molest his supposed soulmates boyfriend?"  And that's some ot the tamer stuff. I am not trying to start a ship war or propagate hate towards anyone just because they have a differing opinion but a lot well most of these comments were made by people who just so happen to ship a different ship than i do. I just dont get the toxicity of it all. Even a close friend of mine straight up stopped talking to me because i wouldnt ship her favorite ship. I was super nice and listened to all she had to say and in the end she's like so you ship ××× now right. I m like oh i could see where armies are coming from. She goes well you cant ship ×××× if you ship jikook you are blind whats wrong with you and this is an adult person in her 50's (For the record i am 37.)
So let me say i completely respect everyone's opinion even if its different than mine heck i started out a a Taekook shipper. Way back when i had a super high fever was watching some Taekook analyses on Youtube and happened to click on a Jikook video and proceeded to spend the next 3 hours of my fever stuck down the Jikook rabbit hole (did i ever really come out lol?) But i dont push my opinion on anyone. I am writing some opinions on things i have seen with my own eyes. The information is yours to do what you will. But this story is not fiction i have tried my hardest ( and i m a literal scientist) to present unbiased information here i have a fiction book if you wanna read it too but i will do my best to keep this as non fiction as possible.

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