another short mini analysis

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Fair Warning this isn't so much Jikook related as it is Jungkook related.

Writing analyses means reading others analyses at least for me it does. Now something that i have seen or do see a lot is people's opinions of the members in relationships intimate or otherwise. Most people from what I have read seem to have an opinion of Jungkook which is very different from mine. Now granted none of us know the members personally so we are all most likely 100% wrong. I base my opinions on things I have seen ya know there are thousands of videos , performances, interviews, documentaries bangtan bombs etc which i watch pretty frequently most of my personal opinions probably come from those. Now in regards to Jungkook I feel like the opinions I have read mostly describe or see him as a shy introverted almost child. Now while he is comparatively young, he isn't by any means a child at nearly 24. I think a lot of these opinions would more so apply to pre 2017 Jungkook. I think he has grown a lot in recent years. I think he is probably still a little shy and introverted but not nearly as much as a few years ago. I think he has become more comfortable and confident in himself as a person. Now i became army in summer 2018 but have watched as many videos etc from the early days as possible so i could get a better picture of the members for both my fiction and non fiction writing
What do you guys think ? Is Jungkook still the inexperienced immature shy introverted person or is he more outgoing confident and comfortable in his own skin just from your personal opinion?

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