Yet another Mini Analysis

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Not a full analysis sorry but I am almost done with the next one, working 60 hours a week is very time consuming so I apologize for the wait. Anyway I was just spending a few minutes watching some Jikook content and I wanted to take a moment to talk about something that I find adorable. Ya know when something is going on let's say for example a run episode is being filmed and Jungkook kind of gets distracted by Jimin. Like he just kind of focuses all his attention on Jimin and nothing else seems to penetrate his little bubble. Its so cute to me. I was just watching one such moment where Namjoon was asking Jungkook for a Hi Five and literally Jungkook didnt even see him because every bit of his attention was focused on Jimin. In fact in a couple of the clips that I had watched some of the members had to try pretty hard to get Jungkooks attention away from Jimin. I find this interesting since Jungkook very recently said he has a hard time focusing on something unless its something he really likes hmmm guess he must really like Jimin lol.

I have to do it expect the Jikook bite analysis by the end of this lifetime lol Happy Jikooking 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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