Chapter 11

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I walked to the dungeons because it was time for potions. I hope it goes good I want to just have one good day. I walk into the classroom head down. Severus stares into my soul well something like that it feels like that. Or it's like a burring gaze I think he's trying to find out what's wrong. He won't I think I really don't know it can go more than one way. No road of life is just straight no it has it bumps it's curves it's broken paths and dead ends. He just can't know about this. It's fucking Malfoy he's just so annoying. I just want ever one to leave me alone I can't be just someone in the background I want to be the main character. I can't do that without being left alone but I also don't want to be alone. I want Sev with me. What are we even doing in this class? I've been staring into the magical abyss that lies on the wall. I just wish I could leave. Go to my own world. The bell rings. "Miss Y/l/n stay behind." Everyone leaves Malfoy sticks his tongue out at me so immature. My father will hear about this. I snickered. "Just because your my girlfriend it doesn't mean you can just not pay attention the whole lesson if you want to pass you going to have to become responsible for listening and taking notes." He scowled at me. This is new. I can feel the tears prick at the corner of my eyes. I run out my tears spilling out as I b lined for the bathroom. That idiot didn't check me this morning. I can hear his boots clanging against the marble floors. This feels like something from a movie. But with me being faster I make it to the bathroom pulling out the razor. He thinks he can talk to me like that. I would argue with him but I have little strength left to do so. The razor glides against my arm like a painter with his brush. It glides across the canvas to make a masterpiece. To make something with worth. Hard work the time the pain. It becomes one. It becomes a thing to worship to gaze at look with curious eyes and memorize faces.

Severus POV
I don't know what happened. My anger the hatred that has been building up through the day. I unleashed the demon I swore not to let loose on her. I promised to myself to not let that happen to not be the cause of that. I wish to take back the things I said. I don't want to loose the love of my life I can't. I will break me I have to find her. She has held on for so long. So long and I came and ruined it I took her heart her hard work and crushed it in front of her. I saw her run the way of the bathroom. I can hear the gut wenching sobs of her. I know she couldn't have held on for much longer but she could have if I didn't fucking screw it up. My god why does she stay with a git like me. All I do is harm her. More than she does herself. I basically tear the door off the hinges. And find her cutting away like a chef in a kitchen working with the blade and the board. I scoop her up in my arms she's loosing blood. I have to save her she all I've got left. We get to the chambers I get blood replenishers. She soon gains color. "Darling your awake thank merlin. You scared me I thought you died you could have what we're you thinking." I scream at her she flinched and she wraps her arms tightly around knees. I wrap my arms around her. She try's to resist me but give in shortly as she sobs into my robes. There are tears down my face as well. I could have lost her because of my own foolishness. I could have lost my dear Y/n......

Well here's a new chapter hope you like it.

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