Chapter 2

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I watch the first years get sorted. Oh to be that happy. But I know if will never happen again. I don't touch my food thinking if I eat people will call me a pig and will make fat jokes seeing that I'm fat and worthless. I see every one laughing and talking. I get deep into thought thinking about what would happen if I just ended all, not like anyone would care.

Snape's POV
I see Ms. Lupin not touching a single bite of food. I glance over to her every so often. I can see her robes hang looser than they did before and her eyes are some what hollowed out. Her hair laid on her shoulder no more volume like there was in previous years. I know something is going on...

I feel eyes burn into my head. I lower my head thinking it's someone starring because I'm so ugly and pathetic. Oh to have friends, oh to be laughing. I wish I could be someone's favorite. The only thing that cares for me is my kitten. Y/C/N. They are the only thing that makes me smile. Soon the feast comes to a end. I walk out keeping my head down and holding on my sleeves.

Time skip to inside the dorm
⚠️TW  there is going to be mention of self harm and blood if you do not like that sort of thing then scroll pass⚠️

I grab the razor that was hidden in my hoodie. I walk over to the bathroom and lock a stall door. I sit on top on the toilet letting the blade dig deep in my skin. The cuts never hurt now they don't bother me. I go numb as my cheeks get coated in tears. I think of all the things that have happened. I believe that they should happen to me because I'm a complete useless thing that should die. My arm littered in cuts. Some scars are pink some white and some are seeping out blood. The blood oozes down my arm. The cuts feel like relief. I know this sounds wrong to say it feels like my only way to escape. I finish for now. Going to unlock the door I switch the lock and hear foot steps coming up my way. I freeze and slam the door. Dropping the blade in the process. I cursed under my breath. Hearing the foot steps get louder and the blood drips slowly on the white tiles of the floor.

Snape's POV
I walk down one of the corridors because I find myself unable to sleep like the previous nights. I hear some noise coming from the bathroom. I think it's some kids goofing off. So I storm over into the bathroom only to hear metal clink to the floor. I walk to the last stall and see blood dripping slowly onto the floor. I grab my wand from my robes curious of what I would find.

I see a shadow casted in front of the stall only to see and pair of men's shoes and pitch black hair brooding over the top of the stall. I back up till I hit the edge of the toilet seat. The man speaks:" Miss why are you out of bed at this hour and not in your dorm."
I panic I grab the blade and stuffed it into my pocket.
" I-mmm sorr-y If I disturb you I was just leaving." Hoping he would just let me go. I rolled down my sleeves letting my blood weep into my hoodie. " May I ask Miss Lupin why there a razor and blood on the floor." I panic again, I grab my chest and my breathing uneven. I stumbled on my knees and try to grab the walls for support. " I'm going to open this door on the count of three." He said in a somewhat comforting voice. He got to three my heart jumped and ran off leaving me stranded." Alohamora"
The door unlocks...
He walks in the stall to see me on the floor clutching my chest and my hoodie leaking blood. He grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the bathroom to discover tear stain cheeks and blood stain hoodie along with a blood spot in my pocket." Why did you do this, how could you do something like this?" He looked with shock on his face and hurt in his eyes. He goes to lift my sleeve, wincing as he pulls it up. I think about how he will yell and hurt me saying how I'm a dunder head, a worthless piece of shit. But no words leave his mouth. He stares in horror my arm littered in scars.

Third POV

You now stand tears streaming down your face. He soon pulls you into a tight embrace and whispers sweet nothings in your ear sending shivers down my spine. You lurch forward and clutch to his cloak and sink your head into his chest. He ask you why you do it. You don't answer...
A couple of minutes pass and he unlocks his arms from Your waist and grabs your wrist. You wince from the pain he loosened his grip. He walks you down stairs...

To be continued

Hope you liked it this was a long chapter and lots of gore I'm not the best at writing comment anything you should think I could add to make it sound better. This story took a while hope you enjoy and wonder where Snape is bringing you!!
938 words

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