Chapter 4: The Ball

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(The POVs for this chapter will be all over the place, sorry about that. This chapter was really hard to tell from only one point of view for too long without missing a lot of important details. This chapter is also about 500 words shorter than normal, but it had too good of a place to end for me to keep it going. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.)

(Y/n's POV)

By the time the Queen's servants had finished with my dress, I had calmed down enough to not want to puke anymore. Now that I had partially processed what had happened, I had realized that Bakugou had caught me as I fell. I didn't know why he had done it, because we definitely weren't friends, but I had felt something as he did. Gratefulness. Happiness. And one other feeling I couldn't quite name. Maybe... admiration..? Thankfulness? I don't know...

As I looked in the mirror, thoughts of if Amante would like it flashed through my mind before the automatic memory that Mako and Amante were dating scolded me. I blinked a few times as disappointment and loneliness surged through my body before numbing my feelings and returning my thoughts to the dress itself.

 I blinked a few times as disappointment and loneliness surged through my body before numbing my feelings and returning my thoughts to the dress itself

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(My art. Sorry it's so messy, I was shaking really bad while I was inking it because of cramps 😓. This is how it would look for me, but the hair colour, skin colour, eye colour, and any other features you want can change. I personally will use blue as the dress colour, though. It's not even my favorite colour, I just felt like using blue.)

The dress was light blue and clung to my curves, the skirt not wide like with what people normally thought of ball gowns as, but the silvery-blue over skirt was a bit wider and gave it an airy feeling that I didn't mind at all. The sleeves draped down from my forearms and the back dipped down low, allowing the dress to seem slightly more revealing than it truly was.

If I was totally honest, I didn't mind it at all, other than the fact I didn't have the normal comfort of hidden pockets to hide a pocket knife in or anything I manage to take from the nobles that would be around. I felt exposed. I would have to be careful to not fall into habits tonight, or else I might actually get caught by someone who won't be as merciful as Bakugou.

One last thing I did was mess with my hair until it actually looked presentable (A french braid for long enough hair, or whatever you want if you have hair shorter than that). By the time I was done, someone was already there to escort me to the ballroom. It was a small girl who seemed to be about the age of fourteen.

She had mousy brown hair and light blue eyes that reminded me of Amante. I gave her a soft smile and whispered a thank you as she opened the door to the ballroom, making her eyes widen in surprise. She probably didn't get those very often, especially with what I knew of the Queen and her son so far, and if they did, they were probably more passive-aggressive than anything.

She hurried away as soon as I was in the room, and I wondered what her name was. She seemed really nice. I felt a warm hand brush against my wrist, and I turned to see Bakugou. He gave me a look that said 'don't mess this up', and I returned it with one that assured him I wouldn't. With that short exchange, he left to go find a real princess to 'fancy'.

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