Chapter 9: The Fire in His Blood

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(Not my art, credit to Beverly Johnson for making this, I found it on Pinterest since I didn't want to draw a new character. This is how I imagined Aika, who will be later mentioned)

(Y/n's POV)

"Ugh, nothing!" I cried, utterly exhausted from my search. Katsuki had been forced into a meeting with one of the noble families, so I'd decided to look back at the history of Okoku's nobles, hoping to find where the magic in Katsuki's blood had come from. So far it was a dead end.

I curled my tail around my legs, frowning. I'd checked and double checked and even triple checked for any signs of magic in his family, but there was nothing. No where did magic come into the family. I hadn't sensed it from his mother or father, so it had to be-

"Wait a minute..." I flipped to the family tree, where it went all the way back to the first King. His wife was named Selene Bakugou, and when I found the page on her, the lack of information was suspicious.

It read: 'Selene Bakugou was the wife of Hitomi Bakugou, and was raised with her mother in the Wildlands. She was said to have a connection to the stars, and rumors of unnatural control over fire were a constant in her life.'

"Magic," I whispered. I stood, rushing to our room. I stashed the book on the bed, and began to go through my things. "Where did I put that stupid- there!" I pulled out the pendant my mother had given me, the one identical to the bracelet Mako wore and the earrings Amante's father had made for her.

"Y/n are you- what...-?? Are you doing?" Katsuki stared at me. I jumped and my tail went bushy as I stared at him.

"Um..." I shoved the pendant behind my back and made my tail disappear, my face going hot. "I was researching, and I think I figured out where your magic came from!" I held up the book, showing him a picture of Selene. "And now that it's as close to positive as we can get that it's a fire magic, we can-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait what? What are you talking about?" He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Do you not remember...?- whatever. Um, I was hoping we could try and develop that magic of yours... You know, so you don't burn anyone else?"

"Y/n. Do you have any idea about what's going on? I don't have time for this! Some stupid magic isn't important when-"

"But I- I just wanted to- how could I know? It's not like I'm included in these royal conversations of yours."


I blinked at him.


He glared at me, his red eyes almost scorching. My tail tucked between my legs and I glanced at the door.

"I'll just... Go." I whispered, darting out the door. I hid my tail under my skirts as I ran, hurrying to the garden, where the trees joined the woods if you ventured far enough. There I would be alone, finally.

(Katsuki's POV)

I watched her run, guilt hitting me like a fucking truck. I hadn't meant to tell at her, really. But too much was happening, and I didn't want to add any more mystery to my life already full of lies and hiding the truth.

Hiding her truth.

I should've talked to her about it. She was a part of an entire secret society of illegal beings, she would know exactly my fears of the friends I had met that weren't human. She would know exactly how I felt. But instead, I had yelled at her.

I stepped forward cautiously, no longer thinking, only knowing that I had to do something. I couldn't hurt the only ally- the only friend -I had in this palace. So I ran after her, following the looks of frightened workers or footprints in the halls, eventually following her to the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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