Chapter 6: His Friends

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(Y/n's POV)

I opened my eyes to see Bakugou next to me.

In my room.

In my bed.

With his arms around me.

Holding me close.

I blushed and fought the instinct to push him away, which would wake him up. I quietly slid out of his arms and walked into my closet, closing the door gently behind me. As soon as I had closed the door, I immediately fell to the floor, my cheeks feeling like they were on fire.

Never thought I'd be back in the closet, hehe-


But like- he was pretty cute, though-

I mean- I'm not going to disagree with you... but still, please shut the fuck up.


After the silence of my brain gave me peace, I began to attempt to think rationally about it. First, why do I not remember coming home? Second, if it was because I fell asleep, why was I comfortable enough with K- Bakugou to fall asleep around him? Third, how did he remember the whole way back to my house? And fourth and probably most importantly, WHY THE HELL DID MAKO ALLOW IT?!?

With these questions in mind, I quietly opened my door to find Bakugou sitting up, awake. I went bright red and slammed the door closed again. Breathing heavily and my heart pounding, I collapsed on my closet floor. Yeah, the space was probably a total of eight square feet all together, but it was big enough I had to lay most of the way down to touch both ends of my closet. Or should I say I was small enough..? Oh, whatever.

What matters is Bakugou- no, the fact that Bakugou was in my bed. Did he sleep with me? Oh, my...

My face heated up further and I let out an annoyed groan. Seconds after my noise of discontent, my only protection from the human male in my room, aka the closet door, was opened. I turned in shock to see Bakugou, with a slightly worried look on his face. His eyes looked slightly cloudy, like he still hadn't woken up fully. "Y/n..? Are you okay..?"

I pulled my ears back and looked away from him in an attempt to hide my embarrassment. "Y-yeah!" My voice came out much higher pitched than I intended it to. Dammit. "I-I'm fine, don't worry about it, Bakugou."

He frowned, seeming almost... disappointed. "Alright... you should get out of there, it's not good for you to be cramped up in such a small space." He forcefully took my hand and pulled me out of the closet, probably not used to having to treat someone with manners when his Mom wasn't around. Or maybe he had never actually cared enough to try. This would be quite a strange situation for a princess, and it would probably taboo or some shit if he did ever help a princess up, knowing royalty's stupidity- what they happened to call courtesy and customs.

I didn't bother struggling, but that led to me ending up against his chest, making both of us blush. He backed up quickly, apparently not expecting us to touch. As he looked around and realized what had probably happened, he went red, and just turned away in embarrassment. It was kinda cute, and made me want to giggle.

I few seconds later, Amante opened the door, her cheeks going pink as she saw Bakugou's expression. "Oh- u-um, breakfast is ready if you two want some..." She glanced at me with a mischievous look in her eyes, and I sighed. She definitely was plotting some scheme to make us 'fall in love' or whatever. I seriously doubted that would happen, though.

Bakugou just looked confused, so I too his hand and whispered, "Amante is plotting, so avoid her if you would prefer to not get pulled into her mischief." He blushed at how close I was and slid his hand out of mine, allowing me to walk ahead of him, only because he didn't know where I was going.

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