Chapter 7: Changes

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(Drawings above are my art, my depiction of Emiri. I think she's cute~)

Kaminari and Kirishima asked me a few questions before drifting to Bakugou. I could tell by his sharp responses that they were teasing him quite a bit. However, Mina stayed with me. She asked me a few questions about what I liked and didn't like, a long with a few jokes along the way. It reminded me of the way Amante had first talked with me. Enthusiastic and outgoing. I couldn't help but smile.

We quickly bonded, and we stayed there for a long time. The whole time we were there, Mina and I talked while Bakugou glanced nervously at us every once in a while. When the day was over, I took him back home, and this time, instead of being awkward, Bakugou slept on the couch, much to the appeal of my older brother.

For the next month, things continued in a similar way. Bakugou and I would occasionally visit Mina, Kaminari, and Kirishima, and I would show him around, explaining the way things work in my world. We visited the castle once or twice, and both times I was treated as family. But... it didn't feel quite right. No matter how many lies I had gotten rid of, they still didn't know about me being a kitsune. I also came to the conclusion they had no idea about Mina and company.

Once, when we visited the palace, Mitsuki insisted that Bakugou and I share his room, however, I refused. Mostly because I didn't want them thinking anything weird, and so I didn't have to lie to my brother, which always ended badly.

As this month passed, Bakugou and I became increasingly close. And if I was being honest, I couldn't complain one bit. Did being friends with him come with a few perks? Absolutely. But it was fun to be his friend for reasons other than his status. Actually, him being recognizable as royalty had caused a few problems a couple times.

But now I had no idea how to react. Queen Mitsuki in front of me, a very stern look on her face. I was terrified. Had she figured me out??? Had I done something wrong? I had no idea, and that was the worst part.


"Y-Yes, Your Highness..?" I spoke loud enough she could hear me, but not so loud it was seen as rude.

"It has been one month since our last ball."

"Th-that is correct, Your Highness..."

"Do you remember how long I said you had until our next ball?"

"Um..." I searched for the answer, and felt the blood drain from my face as I did. "A... a month, Your Highness..."

"Yes. We decided, however, that we are not satisfied with your relationship yet. We will give you another two months to bond, however, there will be one difference from the last month."

I gulped. "And that is..?"

"You will be staying here."

Her words rang out through the throne room. I wished I had let Bakugou come with me. I felt sick. "I... I can't do that-"

"Because of your brother? That will not be an issue. If he is reluctant to allow you to stay here, we will simply allow him and his girlfriend to stay here as guests as long as you remain a guest."


"No buts, L/n. We have been watching your and Katsuki's relationship. While it has grown, your environment seems to continue to keep you apart. We believe our secure home will encourage further growth."

"I... I don't understand why you want me to be with Katsuki, Your Highness... I am a simple commoner, and Katsuki still seems to have no interest in me..." I felt heavier as I said it. I had felt that way for a while, but saying it out loud just made it worse.

Dirty Little Vixen (Prince!Bakugou x Kitsune!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora