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[TW] mentions of assault & alcohol consumption

If you were being completely honest, you had no fucking clue where you were at. Even better than that, you had no idea where your friends wandered off to. They had all your things. Purse, phone, keys, etc. You were about seven or eight shots deep at this point, the warmth radiating from your chest due to all the vodka and fireball taking their toll. You were sitting down at the bar, idly looking around the club for any trace of your friends that dragged you out here.

You sighed, eyes fluttering in attempt to see clearly through the blinding RGB lights of the dance floor. It was getting too warm where you were. While you would've loved to take a step outside to stop the sweat from completely melting off your beautiful makeup (which you spent longer than you'd care to admit on), it seemed nearly impossible without a helping hand or watchful eye to take care of you. You instead made yourself content at the bar, dodging any sly remarks about your appearance and keeping to yourself. For the most part, glaring at any horny man that approached you was enough to keep their wandering eyes from tearing your figure apart like you were some slab of meat. Unfortunately for you, that wasn't always the case.

"Hey, babe." A suave man with disheveled, brown hair found his way into the stool besides you. You did you best to glare at him through the haze, but he simply inches closer to you. "What're you doing over here all alone, hmm?" His slurred tone pierced your ears as he drew even closer. You could smell the teak of alcohol on his breath, and you were certain yours wasn't any better.

"Fuck off." You sighed, whipping yourself away from him and turning to face the opposite direction. Screw looking for your friends, where was the bartender to get this guy off of you?

"C'mon baby, don't be that way." The drunkard placed his hand on your shoulder, forcefully drawing you back around to face him. With the grace of ten newborn deer, he jerked you up to your feet, causing you to stumble into him.

"Can you seriously not take a fucking hint?" You huffed, doing your best to wrench out of his deadly grip. It wasn't working, and you were getting exceedingly more nervous. Your friends weren't here, the staff wasn't doing anything. You were alone, feeling the panic beginning to well up in your chest. So much for the nice warmth of the alcohol.

He smirked, standing up fully, "You were the one who fell into me!" He towered over you, leaning down to stare menacingly into your eyes. You were still frantically trying to wrench your hand away, to no avail. At this point he began dragging you elsewhere. You felt utterly doomed in this situation. That was until he stepped in.

The tall man with blond fluffy hair stepped in between the two of you, instantly removing the assailants hand from your wrist. You pulled back almost immediately, looking up in bewilderment to your savior. "Thank y—" before you could even finish sharing your gratitude he cut you off.

"Where the hell were you? Me and George were looking for you!" He looked at you with genuine concern. You simply blinked in confusion. You had never seen this person before in your entire life. And who was George?

The drunkard looked to the figure now standing between him and his victim, anger very evident in the way his brows creased. "What the hell? Who are you?"

"I should be asking you that? Who said you could just take my friend and run off without any consequences?" The stranger turned his attention away from you. He was much taller than the drunken clown. The intimidating aura he was letting out would've been plenty to scare you off. Not like you would've had anywhere else to go at this point.

"Friend?" He muttered to himself, "But she was alone for so long..." Letting out a sigh, he twirled around and blended back into the mass of people in the club.

Without much energy left, you sank down to the floor. Just as you thought you were going to hit the floor, the strangers hands took hold of your arms, hoisting you back in the air. "Hey, are you alright? Do you need me to get an Uber for you?" His genuine concern would've been very touching if the overwhelming amount of alcohol you consumed along with the anxiety and fear that still remained after your precious close encounter weren't urging your body to shut down. You simply shook your head in response.

"Are your friends here?" He asked, looking around the masses of people. You nodded. "Where are they?" He abruptly turned to look you in your eyes. Oh boy, did he have pretty eyes. And a really cute nose? You shrugged your shoulders, looking away. You were too drunk to fall in love with a random stranger who was just being a decent human.

"Here, follow me." He said, offering his arm for you to hold on to. You took it, not wanting to completely collapse. "Oh, my name is Clay by the way." A smile was very evident on his face, and oh boy was it a cute one.

Should you be following another strange man while you're this intoxicated? Absolutely not. You're sure you would be mad at yourself in the morning for it, but at this point you were desperate for any type of asistente. "Y/N." You offered in a curt response. Clay grinned once more before beginning to lead you through the club.

"Clay, what the fuck?" Another man yelled at his friend before smacking his arm. "Dude, don't just disappear like that!"

"Sorry, sorry." Clay chuckled, leaning over to ruffle his shorter friend's hair. "Y/N, this is George. George, Y/N."

Clay let go of his grip on you, leaving to go murmur something to George. You couldn't make anything out over the buzz of the music and crowd. You assumed he was just explaining what happened because when George cast sideways glances in your direction, they were almost pitiful. It made you squirm uncomfortably.

"Hey, boys." You said, "Can I just borrow one of your phones?" They abruptly turned back to look at you. George sharply nudged Clay in his side, causing him to buckle over slightly. Clay retaliated by smacking George's stomach. The interaction made you roll your eyes, but it was kind of endearing. Just your luck to be assaulted then saved by two gorgeous and kind boys.

Clay offered his phone out to you and you proceeded to dial your friends numbers one by one. You weren't surprised no one answered. If anything, you were just disappointed they didn't seem to be actively trying to find you right now. You could cry about that later, for now you just wanted to get out of this sweaty room. George and Clay watched on as each call didn't go through. It was evident to them that with each call, you were getting more distressed.

"How about we get you a lift?" George offered after yet another call didn't go through.

You sighed, and gave in. "Yeah. I just didn't want to worry my friends or anything," You hesitated to look at the fresh log of calls on Clay's phone, "but it's probably a little late for that."

"I'm just impressed you had so many numbers memorized," Clay laughed. "I barely know my own." His light demeanor was the only saving grace to this shitty night. You kinda wished you could stay longer just to have him brighten your night, but your body was screaming with exhaustion at this point. Clay took back his phone, getting an Uber set up. You gave him an address close to your apartment. "All set!" He grinned.

"Can I pay you back somehow?" You asked, looking between the two buds.

George smiled and shook his head, "Nope! Just glad we could help!"

"How about, you give me your number?" Clay asked, half of a smile curling at the corners of his lips.

You could just add this to a list of regrets to have in the morning. "Sure." With that, his phone was back in your hands and you were saving yourself as a contact. 'Y/N :)'. You debated putting a random number, but decided against it. He was pretty nice, so this couldn't end badly, right?

With that, the duo helped usher you out of the club and to the '08 Buick that would be your ticket home. "Thank you again, seriously." You said, looking down at your feet.

"No problem! I'm just glad I got there in time." Clay smiled. George didn't say anything, but he just kind of grinned over at Clay instead. An odd pairing, those two.

Clay shut the car door for you once you got in, and waved goodbye.

Now you just had to figure out how you were going to get back into your apartment without your keys or phone. Hopefully, the landlord was still home.

𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 [dreamwastaken x reader]Where stories live. Discover now