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Karl was currently packing his things up, dreading the fact that he was having to go back to North Carolina already. He had spent the last month here in Florida, and he was genuinely wondering how it all went by so fast. At first, he had come to hang out with you and Clem and then also maybe do some content with Clay and George while they were still together, but all that seemed to fall through completely. Had he really gotten anything he originally set out to do accomplished? The easy answer was no.

He was definitely second choice this entire trip, not that he wanted to admit to himself. But, since he was already wallowing in sadness about having to leave, he might as well wallow in self pity as well. At first, he had the full attention of you and Clem, but after that night in the club where you had met Clay, he would only get to hear from you if you weren't over at Clay's house. And when George was still here, he barely got to see him since he was either asleep or letting Clay drag him everywhere.

Still, he didn't have it in him to be resentful towards Clay, who got to meet his best friend after so long being apart, and on top of that, got to meet the funniest and prettiest person Karl's ever known- you. It was just bad timing on his part. At least his worlds were finally able to collide, and it didn't end up being a total shit show. Sure, maybe he fucked up a little by keeping so many secrets from you, but you both had seemed to past it. He was just thankful that you forgave him for his irrational fear that his worlds colliding would be the end of him.

"Have you got everything?" Clem called from the living room, breaking up his train of thought.

"Yeah!" Karl called, "I just have to drop off the rental car at the airport and I'm good to go." Karl grabbed hold of all his bags and suitcase and attempted to drag them out of the room he had called his own for a while now. Clem was really too kind for letting him stay so long.

When he came face to face with Clem, she was clearly distraught. "Ahh, I'm gonna miss you so much." She frowned, holding out her arms and beckoning for a hug. Karl rolled his eyes, dropped his bag and tackled her into a bear hug. "Y/N is coming soon, she wants to go with you to the airport. I, unfortunately, have to be an adult and go to work."

Karl laughed at her distress, "Are you saying being a streamer isn't adult work?" He giggled, giving Clem a teasing smile.

"Bestie? I literally heard you and Y/N painting your nails at 5 am when I was getting ready for work." She deadpanned, pulling away from his embrace.

The duo said their farewells once more before Clem was rushing out of the house, exclaiming how she was going to be late and that Karl would have to reimburse her for that later. Just as she was stumbling out of the house, the man of the hour appeared- Clay. And you were right by his side with tears in her eyes.

Immediately upon answering the door, Karl was shoved back a few steps as you flung yourself onto him. He giggled, hugging you tightly, "What's with you and Clem and tackling me into hugs with little warning?"

You simply rolled your eyes and made a displeased groan, clinging to him even tighter. "Shut up. We just love you lots."

Karl lifted his hand to rest in on the back of your head as he shifted you from side to side in his embrace, "Yeah, yeah, I guess I love you guys too." As he spoke, his eyes flitted upwards to meet Clay's gaze. He was watching the two of you with a big smile, probably adoring how his friends were so close. Karl wished he felt the same.

Eventually, you pulled away, but refused to leave Karl's side. Instead, you beckoned Clay in for a group hug. "Seriously?" Clay laughed before you pulled him into a tight embrace with Karl. The three of you hugged it out a bit before you pulled away again and let out a big sigh.

𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 [dreamwastaken x reader]Where stories live. Discover now