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To say you were nervous would be understating the situation greatly. Before hand, you were frantically calling Clementine to try and figure out what to wear. The Florida weather wasn't absolutely miserable for once, so you had a lot of options available to you. Clementine tried push so many different aesthetics onto you. Academia, cottage core, grunge, e-girl, you name it. You eventually settled with what you were most comfortable and confident in, though. Even a totally unbiased eye could tell you that, objectively, you were the most gorgeous person in a ten-mile radius.

While your suave styling made you feel better, the nerves at having your first date in what felt like years was eating away at you. Sure, you had gone on a few random outings with people you met on Tinder since going off to college, but none of them you actually were that interested in. But Clay? There was something about his cocky yet sweet demeanor that reeled you in. This was your chance to feel him out and make sure he wasn't a completely tragic human before you caught yourself slipping any more than you already have.

You got one of your friends to drop you out in front of the shop. Clay had texted you the address a bit later last night, giving you enough time to scope out the menu ahead of time. They had just about any drink you could want— coffee, tea, boba. You were glad you got to look at the menu ahead of time because pulling up to any new place without an idea on at least 3 different orders sounded like absolute hell.

You decided to head in and find a seat by the window. As the bell rang, you were greeted by the cashier at front. You gave them a small nod, taking a shy peek around the shop. This place felt like it was straight out of a rich person's cottage in the 1800s. Plants strategically were placed all throughout the shop, giving an overgrown but still well taken care of vibe. The windows themselves were rustic, made of the same material the tables were. Everything fit so perfectly, you couldn't help but smile. You were a sucker for a cute cottage core aesthetic, but then again, who wasn't? Clearly, Clay had taste. Guess he gets another bonus point.

While you were gently fiddling with one of the lavender plants on the window by your table, you missed the ring of the bell that signaled the entrance of another customer. You were in your own head until you heard a warn and familiar voice call for your attention. "Y/N!" You quickly sat up straight to look at the source of the voice.

You quickly found yourself standing up and waving. A smile already cracked at the corners of your lips. "Hi." You sweetly hummed, looking over Clay's attire. You didn't get the chance to look at him very well whilst at the club. You were drunk and it was pretty dim. But now? You were absolutely right thinking he had the most adorable features you've ever seen. From his glowing smile to his cute nose, you couldn't find a single thing to complain about.

Not only that, but the way he was dressed! He donned a lime green hoodie layered underneath a white graphic T-shirt. He had a few chains on, skinny jeans and a pair of worn in black sneakers to top it off. If there was one thing you could nitpick, it would be the very, very poor sneaker game. Normally, you and Clem would joke about how only men who would gaslight someone dressed like this. But if it were Clay, you would probably take it. But not actually, because gaslighting isn't a fun thing to experience.

"Were you waiting long?" He inquired as you came to stand next to him in front of the counter. You shook your head. "Good!" He smiled, before pausing. "You look great, by the way." The smile adoring his lips grew a little softer as you spoke. You could feel heat rushing to your ears in that moment. It was going to be a long day. But a fun one.

"I was waiting for you before I ordered. Any suggestions?" You gave a soft smile in response, sheepishly brushing off the compliment. You were never really one to take compliments well, despite hyping yourself up so much.

𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 [dreamwastaken x reader]Where stories live. Discover now