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It had been a few days, a little over a week, since you had last seen Clay, and to say you felt awful about what had happened would be an understatement. However, you knew you weren't fully at fault here. Who was he to rush your response after springing it on you? Sure, it was the elephant in the room, but you would've appreciated just a little longer to formulate a response. Even after you had come up with your response, which was that you would love to be in a relationship with Clay as long as it was kept pretty lowkey from his fan base, the timing between the two of you was completely off. He had managed to become completely swamped with... whatever it is YouTubers do all day. At this rate, you honestly thought you'd fucked it up so bad you wouldn't be able to speak to him about it again. Whether intentional or not, it felt like you were being shut out. It really sucked. You had no other way to word it other than it really, really sucked.

You weren't even sure why it had happened. It didn't make a lot of sense, and you had never seen Clay act like this before. It was almost as if he was actively seeking this as an excuse to cut you out of his life and return to business as usual.

At least you now had more time to focus on your own life and hobbies rather than Clay. Sure, you really enjoyed his company, but to say his presence consumed your entire life would be an understatement. While he was so busy, you were able to pick up a few more hours at your job. You figured a few extra dollars to make up for you being gone in North Carolina would be well worth it. That trip was coming up sooner than you thought. You were just hopeful whatever the dynamic you have with Clay currently wouldn't put a damper on it. Honestly, you really just wanted to see Karl.

While you may not have had much contact with Clay the last week, Karl had been constantly blowing up your phone about every detail he's preparing for the trip. If you were off work, you were on FaceTime with your favorite North Carolina boy.

"Y/N, okay, hear me out. I was thinking we could do a cooking stream, but you're in control of who gets what ingredients. I think it could be funny!" Karl was clearly super excited about the trip. You were too, of course, but maybe not to the same extent. You still hadn't told him about the current tension. He probably picked up on it, but he wasn't pressing for any answers. That's another reason why you loved him so much.

You shuffled on the couch where you were currently laying, angling your phone so Karl could only see from your nose up. "I think that'd be funny. I wanna watch all the boys grovel so they can get what they want." But could really appear on stream with all of his friends when he was completely blowing you off?

"Obviously, you have to favor me and not Dream. That's my only rule." He grinned.

Rolling your eyes, you huffed, "That probably won't be too hard at this rate."

He laughed awkwardly, grin dropping a little bit. "You're leaving early right? Two days?" Karl brushed past your off-handed comment. You owed him an explanation, but he still wasn't eager to ask about it.

"Yeah, I think so. I haven't spoken much to Clay, so I'm not sure if he's still leaving with me or not." You paused, swiping out of FaceTime and opening your messages with Clay. "I should probably ask," You murmured with a sigh. A stiff silence befell on the two of you, tension clearly evident. Letting out a groan, you closed out of your messages app and returned to FaceTime with Karl. "Okay, I might as well tell you now because I don't know if he'll actually let me talk to him before we leave," You spoke with an air of discomfort about you. Karl simply quirked an eyebrow as he listened. "Clay was basically worrying about me and how I was handling everyone on the internet prying into our relationship. Which, even we hadn't fully established. Like, we both admitted we have feelings for eachother," Karl winced slightly, but you continued, "We just never really went any further than that. And like," You sighed, dragging your hand down your face, "He like, just cut me off before I could even continue the dialogue. Like, the last thing he said to me was 'Drive safe, Princess!' and now he won't really give me any actual response to my texts?" At this point, the stress from the situation was bringing tears to your eyes. You hated how worked up this had you, but you had gotten so invested in Clay without even realizing. "I don't know what to do, Karl."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 [dreamwastaken x reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang