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Surprisingly, she was. She helped you get back into your house. You almost immediately crashed onto your bed, promptly passing out from the exhaustion. You didn't get to shower or change, and your skin definitely hated you in the morning for it.

Grumbling, you woke up to loud banging at your door. You glared over to your alarm clock which read 8:42 a.m. Still dressed from your night out and with smudged eyeliner adoring your face, you groggily walked over to your front door. You opened it only to be greeted with two of your friends from last night. "What the ACTUAL fuck Y/N?" Clementine exclaimed. "Where did you go? What happened?" She barraged you with a series of questions. Your other friend, Karl simply shook his head at you.

"Okay fellas, I just woke up. I'm gonna need you to take your voice down like 7 notches." You sighed, leading them to your living room and sinking down into the couch. "This guy stopped me from being sexually assaulted and then got me an Uber home. I couldn't find any of y'all, and I tried to call from his phone." You explained what happened.

Karl frowned, "Wait, what the fuck? Shit, Y/N, I'm so sorry we lost you." You waved his concern off. "But we have your stuff, we wanted to bring it back and make sure you're alive."

"We're glad you're safe, I can't believe we let Chloe drag us away from you. I'm so sorry, girlie." Clementine plopped down on the seat next to you, engulfing you in a huge hug. "Though, you look like shit. You should really shower."

Karl lifted a hand to rub off some of the smudged liner under your eye. "It kind of looks like you go absolutely ra—" You cut him off with a swift punch to the stomach. "I wasn't gonna say anything!" He whined.


After getting cleaned up for the day, you still didn't feel much better. You weren't sure if you were still slightly intoxicated, or if it was just a groggy feeling that resulted from too little sleep. All you knew is that it was only 1 p.m., but you were still ready to pass out in your bed. I mean, a little nap hurt anyone? Just as you made your resolve to pass out dead asleep, you remembered your phone. It was dead when Karl and Clem returned it to you, but you figured it was probably charged by now.

You maneuvered your way to your bed, flinging yourself onto it with a slight bounce. The covers engulfing you would've been enough to put you to asleep if you weren't so curious to see if Clay had texted you after last night. You kind of hated yourself for the small smile that found it's way to your lips when you realize he had.

3:34 a.m.
[xxx-xxx-xxxx] : hey! it's clay :)

3:35 a.m.
[clay] : shoot me a text when you're home safe!

4:00 a.m.
[clay] : wait you don't have your phone. or your keys.
[clay] : text me when you wake up then!

10:47 a.m.
[clay] : i have two assumptions.
[clay] : #1, you are dead. which would be sad because i didnt even get to learn what superpower you would want and why :(
[clay] : or #2 which is equally sad and i don't wanna talk about it :(

You found yourself rolling your eyes at the texts. At least he didn't seem like a dry tester, which would be a great change of pace. As much as you loved Clem, her two word responses to just about any text never ceased to make you want to rip your hair out. Karl on the other hand, well, you could never get him to shut up. Not that you would want him to. But he doesn't need to know that.

1:07 p.m.
[y/n] : omg im so sorry
[y/n] : im alive! and i didn't ghost you!!
[y/n] : my friends brought back my phone at like 8 am, bugged me for a few hours about leaving without a word, and then forced me to clean up

[clay] : ah, im glad you're safe! bad hangover?

[y/n] : i honestly still feel kinda drunk but that's how my hangovers always seem to go. being a lightweight is hard :(

[clay] : hope your friends didn't give you too much trouble.
[clay] : you had a knight in shining armor come in to help at least! :)

[y/n] : you're right

[clay] : :)

[y/n] : George was an absolute life saver

[clay] : :(

You soon found that whatever drowsiness engulfed you previously was being lifted. You kinda hated how easy it was to talk to him, but the way he texted was just so refreshing compared to other people you've talked to. You never put your naps on hold for anyone, but you suppose there's a first time for everything!

You went about your day, taking care of your usual tasks. It was only Saturday, meaning you still had time to get back on top of your college grind. Being an education major wasn't as difficult as your friends in STEM, but it was enough to always keep you bogged down.

9:20 p.m.
[clay] : i have a proposal

[y/n] : that was fast

[clay] : uh in your dreams
[clay] : i was gonna nicely ask if you wanted to get coffee or tea or whatever your thing is
[clay] : i hear boba is popular amongst the kids these days

You set your phone down immediately, your hand coming to clasp over your mouth. You quickly picked your phone back up, rushing to FaceTime your group chat. Karl and Clem picked up almost immediately, but your other friends simply declined.

"Guys." You said, staring at the screen blankly. Head empty, no thoughts.

"What is going on?" Karl said, laying down on what you assumed was Clem's couch.

"Are you two together?" You inquired.

"I'm in the bathroom." Clementine smiled.

"And I am in the couch." Karl had the same stupid grin. You rolled your eyes. You hate those two. "Now what's going on?" Karl repeated his question.

"Soooo, you know how I was telling you about the guy who, like," You paused, noticing Karl's grin grow bigger. He knew exactly where this was headed. "saved me last night?"

Karl butted in before you could even finish, "He asked you on a date."

"What the fuck, Y/N," Clem groaned, "This is so unfair."

"That's what you get for leaving me alone, maybe a handsome stranger could've saved you instead!"

"Well, what did you say to him?" He eagerly inquired.

"Nothing yet." You said, the realization hitting you that you had said nothing, leaving him on read.

"Y/N. You have read receipts on." Clem stated dryly.

"Shhhhh," you hushed her, "It's fine, it's fine, it's fine." You insisted as you hurriedly went to text him back.

Karl mused, "You're a wreck."

"Your mom's a wreck." You muttered, finally responding to clay that you'd be happy to go out with him tomorrow.

"I'M GONNA TEXT HER AND SAY THAT Y/N SAID TH—" Karl started but you hung up on the FaceTime before he could even finish, a smile hanging on your mouth.

9:55 p.m.
[clay] : cool! tomorrow at 10?
[clay] : i can send the address to this cool little cafe george and i found

[y/n] : sounds great: :)

[clay] : :)

𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 [dreamwastaken x reader]Where stories live. Discover now