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AN: i have like a huge fan fiction im writing for c!ranboo x reader it's at two chapters and nearly 20k words do i start posting some of it on wattpad idk u tell me. it's probably the most planned out fic ive ever written bc it's mostly headcanons and theories i wanted to put into a fic form to give c!ranboo a backstory teehee


You and Clementine had been waiting for Karl to wrap up his stream for about two hours at this point, and Clem was beginning to get really impatient. You were surprised she had lasted this long, honestly. Your friend was practically draped over you, feigning to be dead from the building anticipation. "Can you just fucking—" You groaned, attempting to push the weight of her off of you, "Move your thick, juicy, dump truck, double krispy creme," A series of giggles left Clem's lips as you spoke, "delicious looking ass, off of me?" Your struggling was futile, as Clem refused to move a single inch.

"Not until you just tell me," She grinned, lifting a hand to boop your nose. You rolled your eyes as she spoke, "C'mon, Karl's smelly, we don't need to wait any longer."

"HEY! Who're you calling smelly?" Karl hollered as he finally emerged from the room he was staying in. He lifted Clem's legs off of you, making room for him to plop down on the couch next to you.

"The one who has been the reason I have passed away due to boredom," Clem deadpanned. Karl simply smiled as he swung his arm around your shoulders and snuggled into your side. Clem repositioned herself, keeping her head in your lap and swinging her legs into Karl's lap. "Now that he's here, can you explain what the heck has been going on? Last I heard, you went on a date with the guy who saved you at the club, and he turned out to be Karl's rich streamer friend. Fill in the blanks, please!"

Karl was quick to interject, "Just because I thought it might still be bugging you, I haven't seen too much online about what you said when you interrupted on stream. I don't think they caught everything you said because I muted in time, then they just figured I was just teasing you when I mentioned Dream." He spoke so frantically, you didn't think he managed to take a single breath during all of that. You smiled softly, lifting a hand to ruffle his hair.

"Thanks buddy," You smiled, and Karl beamed right back at you. "Anyways, let me explain." You glanced down at Clem, and she was clearly very confused.

You told them both about how you had been hanging out with Clay constantly, how you had been on one of Karl's streams, how you accidentally got caught with Clay during one of Ranboo's streams, and the aftermath of that. Most importantly, you told them the events of the previous nights, sparing a few details to save Karl from crumpling in disgust at the thought of two of his best friends locking lips. Clem was over the moon for you, clearly, however, it was strange that Karl wasn't matching the same energy. You brushed it off, assuming he felt a bid odd about two of his best friends growing feelings for one another. You wouldn't blame him; if he and Clem ever got hitched, you would be the first to throw yourself into oblivion.

At the end of your story, Clem was practically dancing around her living room. "I simply cannot believe, Y/N, the biggest loser I've ever met, managed to make a millionaire simp for her!" She beamed, letting out an excited squeal. You smiled softly to yourself, because you were wondering the same thing. Clay wasn't just insanely popular online; he was extremely good looking and had an incredible personality. How had he not caught a girl before you? You didn't want to dwell on it. "What do you think, Karl? You approve of Clay?" Clem finally came down from her high of bouncing all over the place, returning to her spot draped across your laps.

Karl's somewhat stiff attitude remained as he shrugged, "Dream's a really good guy." He said plainly, a small smile making its way to his lips as he cast you a sideways glance. Raising a hand, he reached across to fuss with Clementine's hair, "Now we just need to get you someone." He grinned.

𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 [dreamwastaken x reader]Where stories live. Discover now