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You once again found yourself sat on Clay's lap as he was running around in Minecraft. Only, this time he was showing you about the Dream SMP. After finally being open with his career, he slowly began to introduce more of his life to you. To say you were thrilled about it would be a serious understatement. Honestly, you were really glad you resisted the temptation of getting all the details from Karl or Google. Hearing everything straight from Clay and watching him light up as he explained different bits of the SMP and the writing that goes into it was so worth it.

"What's with the big... hole?" You were gazing upon L'manhole currently, genuinely confused by the destruction in front of you.

Clay simply chuckled, the vibration sending tingles up your spine. "Okay, so remember L'manburg that I was telling you about? The story Wilbur wrote?" Tou nodded, and so he continued to explain the rest of the story of how he and Technoblade destroyed it as apart of the plot. "It was honestly a really fun stream, you should check it out just to see how massive all the explosions actually were." He then proceeded to geek out a little bit about the TNT repeaters he built above L'manburg that causes all this destruction.

Did you understand red stone at all? Of course not. But Clay was hot, and who were you to tell a hot person to shut up? You found yourself just smiling so goofily at him as he talked you through the rest of the SMP. Snowchester, the Prison, the Syndicate, and the Egg that seemed to be way more important than people have been realizing. Despite all the information being rapidly thrown at you, you were managing to attentively listen and truly engage in the things that were making Clay happy. In return, it was making you really attracted to him in that moment. I mean, what's hotter than a man with passion?

...even if it is for a block game.

At some point, some other people logged onto the SMP to stream, requesting Clay to hop on with them. You didn't stop him, just decided to sit back and quietly observe how he interacted with others on stream, a new side of him.

"What's up, Ranboo?" Clay hummed as he entered VC.

"Not much, just gonna go get myself 40 canon lives." The other person said.

"You what?" Clay laughed in response.

"Yeah." Ranboo started with a laugh, "I wanna fill a barrel with totems of undying."

"You're already the richest person on the server, your greed really will be your downfall." The man behind you let out a chuckle as he teleported himself to Ranboo. That earned a startled shriek from the younger boy.

"I was actually just talking about you," Clay started, "so it's really funny that you just popped on."

"That sounds, kind of intimidating." Ranboo let out a shy chuckle.

You shifted slightly in Clay's lap, this time turning to face him so you could rest your head on his chest. "I was trying to teach someone the lore of the SMP, and I was just showing them the Arctic base you all have." Clay explained, "It was really funny trying to teach them why millions of people are a scared of a smiley face."

This earned a hearty laugh from Ranboo, "Ah yes, my reputation precedes me."

The two continued to talk for a while, you simply quietly observing. The thought that thousands of people were listening to those two talk, completely unaware that you were also behind the mic, was a surreal feeling. Despite the anxiety that that thought filled you with, you still found yourself drifting asleep as you cuddled into Clay's chest while he ran around the SMP with Ranboo.

Clay glanced down at your sleeping form, a warm smile curling at his lips. "Aww," he cooed without thinking.

"What's up?" Ranboo questioned the sudden burst of affection dripping from Clay.

𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 [dreamwastaken x reader]Where stories live. Discover now