Chapter 7

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Trigger warning: Violence, minor gore, character trauma, injury and possible death

Sonic's POV

Everything was happening so fast, too fast I should say. I never really used "too" with "fast" in my life because there's no such thing as "too fast" in my liking! Going fast is what I do! But this is different! People were getting shot and killed in a blink of an eye. THAT'S DEFINITELY too fast in MY calculations!

"come on! Let's get out of here!" Jacob called as all four of us began running towards our car, "yeah!" Echo yelped "I am NOT getting hit by a dang bullet! No way!"

I quickly took off my disguise, because it was starting to get a bit hot and I was sweating like a pig after the race, but I kept the hat and the glasses with me. I don't know why. Maybe because it belonged to Tom, or Donut Lord or Jerk Lord, I don't know what call him! I'm still mad at him for calling me stupid...........yet........I miss him........So much...........and I can't just throw away the last thing I have from him.

Anyways as we jumped into the car and began to speed off, we begin to see several motorcycles chasing after us. "oh crap!" Me and Echo jinxed when we saw the motorcycles. Jacob is driving (of course) it was trying to go as fast as he can but not over the speed limit which ticked me off since we're getting CHASED BY SOME BAD GUYS AND HE'S FOLLOWING THE HOG-DANG SPEED LIMIT!!!

Me and Echo eventually forced him to push on the gas even harder and screw the speed limit and speed as fast as he could. I looked back to see the motorcycles gaining up on us. My heart was pumping at home by chest. who are these guys? Were they the same guys who attacked us at Riley's house or what?

I closed my eyes and tried to meditate in my head to prevent my powers from sparking out my body until Jacob said something that made me snap. "This is all your fault, Sonic" he smeared "we're all gonna die because of your stupid idea of racing with Roman!" "Jacob!" The girls smeared at him from the way he was speaking, but Jacob ignored them and continued lashing all of his anger at me. I felt like I was back to square one; trapped in a corner with yelling all around me.

"you know what? We should never rescued you! we should've left you to die in the ditch!" Jacob snarled "you are stupid hedgehog, Sonic! A STUPID AND STUBBORN HEDGEHOG WHO RAN AWAY FROM HIS FAMILY BECAUSE YOU RATHER TO LIVE ALONE THEN WITH A FAMILY!!!!"

I just had it! I had it with him! I always thought the Echo was the Jerk Lord of their group, but I was wrong! Jacob was the true Jerk Lord!

I felt my powers surging out with me before lunging at him and strangling him. Echo had to take the wheel and Riley had to hop into the passenger seat while me and Jacob fought in the backseat.
Jacob's Pov

I have gotten into fights before but not like this! I have never seen Sonic so angry before. He was sparking with blue lightning energy as he glares down at me with his once green now blue eyes and his hand crushed into a tight fist.

"You know what Jerk-up!? I was wrong about you! SO wrong about you!" Sonic snarled as he landed another punch across my face "I thought you be understanding like Riley! But noooooooooooo! You HAD to bring that crap up! YOU HAD TO!!!!!" As he landed another punch to my face, I felt a crack in my nose as I touched it and saw blood on my hands. Ugh! Great! That dang blue rodent broke my nose! I then threw a punch at him which strikes him across the face, making the hedgehog even more angrier as he strangles me even more, choking me with blinded anger.

I could hear Riley screaming at us to stop but we continued fighting until we smashed each other's heads into a both windows at each side. I was stunned for a little bit until I saw the motorcycles still behind us. Suddenly One of the motorcycles shot out a grappling hook harpoon dangerously close to me as I popped my head back inside of the car. Sonic did the same when another harpoon shot at him also. I then heard the girls gasp when they saw me and Sonic. Both of our heads were bleeding from the sudden impact with the glass windows.

The Speed of Sound. (Sonic Movie and Fast and Furious Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now