Chapter 8

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Trigger warning: Slight gore, character trauma and injury.

Roman's POV

Man, that was a good race! That blue dude didn't just have some mad skills, he was also willing to give up his prize money and give it to the losers. I always smile at the thought of him. What's his name? Sonic? Yeah that's his name! Sonic, A generous 16-year-old alien rookie far away from here. I can tell by his accent that he was from Montana United States. I was from the United States until me, Dom and the game decided to go to Canada to continue our street racing career.

But as I was passing though, I saw a flash of golden light in the car of my eye as a slammed on the brakes and saw what appears to be a car crash, A pretty dangerous one. I drove towards the glow and saw that I was right. It was a car crash and the car was upside down and on fire.

As I got out of the car and looked around even more, I saw something or someone laying motionless in a pool of blood near the crash site. But as I began to focus I realized who it was.

"Sonic!" I cried as I rushed by the presumably dead hedgehog. I didn't know how to pick him up by how severe his wounds looked. He has several bleeding cuts all over his body but the main one was the one on his abdomen. It was like something or someone took a piece of flesh out of it!

Being as careful as I can, I rolled him on his back and lifted his body off the ground a little bit. I then pressed my ear on his chest, trying to listen for a heartbeat. It was there, but it was dangerously faint. I looked around to see if there's any more cars coming. I knew that whoever did this to this kid is still looking for him and that he could die if he don't get medical attention ASAP.

I then carefully picked up the unconscious hedgehog in my arms and placed him in the backseat of my car as I quickly jumped into the driver seat and called A number on my phone. "Hello?" A young voice called from my phone "Cody! Tell Dominic that I'm gonna be late for the crew meeting." I said "Their had been an accident." "an accident?!" Cody screeched, "what do you mean accident?! Are you alright?! is there anyone hurt?!" When Cody asked that question, I looked back at Sonic with a worried look, "yes!" I replied, "I have an injured rookie in my car right now and he's unconscious." "Crap!" Cody cursed when I said that "I hope he won't be A piece of bull-shrimp like the last rookie that you took in!" "don't worry Cody." I replied "he is anything but the last one. But I have to tell ya don't judge a book by it's cover." After that, I hung up and drove of as fast as I could back to Dom's place.
Riley's POV

I was horrified and upset of what I just saw. Sonic just got into a car crash and Jacob decided to leave him there to possibly die. I was so disgusted with him that I refused to even look at him for what he did. I thought I could trust him! I thought he would be a very sweet and kind person who would never abandon a friend, even if he thinks he's dead! I looked up to him! But now I don't! He's Just a kid who just ran away from his family Who may be worried sick about him! Maybe they weren't abusive at all! Maybe he ran away from them for no reason! Maybe he befriend us for no reason.

Look, I know Sonic violently struck first, but Jacob had never had said what he said! He should've kept his dirty comments to himself! Well, at least Sonic is not suffering anymore and that he reunited with his mother owl. But what if that wasn't the case? What if he still out there bleeding, defenceless, and dying.

So as soon as we pulled over, close to an abandoned baseball field, I got out of the car and marched towards the place and grabbed an old wooden baseball bat without any splinters. I then marched towards the car, opened the trunk and took out a hammer and some nails. With some practice from my dad, I knew how to hammer a nail through some wood, especially when I need to go total stranger things on a tree when something rough goes through my life. At least, I'm not like Romeo and Juliet from Shakespeare, two Star-crossed lovers (Aka too immature half-brained morons) who always threatened to kill themselves when something goes wrong in their life.

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