Chapter 4

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Minor Trigger warning: depression.

Echo's Pov

I didn't know where this alien was taking us, but he did save our lives so we can trust him. But with him completely wrong? What if he's up to something? What if he's planning a revenge plan on us for hitting him?

Anyways as we left our hometown, something suddenly caught the blue hedgehog's eye. He takes a sharp left to an old Road where we saw a abandoned treehouse which kind of scared us a bit at first. Sonic (I think that's the hedgehog's name) parked the car in the trees where no one could see it.

"Ok. All clear." Sonic spoke "I don't know Canada that much but I think we're safe here for now" As we all got out of the car, I had a lot of questions for this thing and I want the answers now! "so...." I began "is this your home?" Sonic shrugged "I don't know. I was about to look for somewhere to stay until you guys hit me" For a kid Riley's age, he is brave enough to speak the truth, how insulting it can be sometimes.

"Where are you from?" I asked. "Greenhills, Montana" Sonic answered. My eyes widened "you're from the United States?" I exclaimed. Sonic nods slightly. I shook my head with a smirk "awesome" "then what brings you to Canada?" Riley added curiously. The hedgehog let's out a long sad sigh as the thunder rumbles softly "looks like it's about to rain" Sonic said "we should get into that treehouse"

He then begin walking, or limping due to his hip injury, towards the treehouse and slowly began climbing the ladder with a little bit of difficulty. Jacob walks up to the ladder and helps him up before climbing also, Riley was right behind him and I was right behind her.

As we made to the top, we saw the tree house filled with old blankets, pillows, mattresses, etc. But the most shocking part is that everything was scattered everywhere—making me feel that whoever left this place was in a hurry.

Sonic slumps tiredly on one of the mattresses and breathed out a long, hissy sigh of pain. Jake did the same, but mostly because he was tired. I just roll my eyes at both of them. *sighs* Men! Always so lazy.

"it's dark and dull, but at least it's dry" said Riley as she looks around the treehouse. I then back turned to Sonic who sat up after relaxing his muscles for a little bit "OK buddy. Time to answer my besty's question" I said with my usual venomous tone "why have you come to our country?" I could see Riley facepalming in the corner of my eye from the way I asked her a question, but I just ignored it and waited for an answer.

Sonic sighs again as he opens his mouth to speak "I just ran away from home! Ok?" He said. "why" I asked with confusion "were your hedgehog parents abusive? Neglective? Too dang stupid to know any better?" "ECHO!!!" Jacob and Riley scolded.

"I....." Sonic began with A small crack in his voice "I don't have hedgehog parents......" I could hear Riley gasp softly in shock from what she had heard "t-they died when I was little...." Sonic continued "a female owl named Longclaw raised me until when I was five years old, I lead some power hungry bad guys right to us. Longclaw then sacrificed her life to save my life." "Dang" I gasped "you had one good mother owl, man" "Anyways, I lived alone on earth for 10 years later, until I met the Donut Lord, his real name is Tom" Sonic continues "we became best friends and pretty much my dad when he decide to let me stay with him and his wife, Maddie, aka Pretzel Lady. But then, 2 years later, they started arguing. I wanted to know what's going on but Tom snapped at me. Ever since then I avoided him. But then a few nights later, I overheard their argument. T-Tom.........he was b-blaming all of his problems on me, c-calling me s-stupid and all. After that, I had it with the arguments, so I packed my things and left and that's how we got here today. Right now. Three teenagers and super blue alien hedgehog in a abandon treehouse, hiding from some evil whack job's assistant"

Riley sniffed as she tries to wipe away some forming tears "that was so sad" she exclaimed, touched by Sonic's sad story "I am so sorry" "no, it's-it's ok" Sonic said "you d-don't have to a-apologize" There was a small crack in his voice as Sonic tries to hold in some tears forming in his eyes

Riley walks up to him, sits on the mattress and hugs him. The small hedgehog hugs her back and cries in her arms as Riley cradles him. "That's right buddy" Riley cooed "let it all out....."

Before I knew it, Sonic's sobs slowly turned into calm breathing as he falls asleep in Riley's arms. I looked at him with awe. Is he ok? Was he THAT tired after he was out cold for 5 WHOLE DAYS?! "Is he alright?" Jake asked my question for me. Riley smiles "he's fine" she replied "he's just a bit overwhelmed with emotions. I heard in my studies that when someone has too much emotions balled up inside, the body may break down a bit and my may fall weak or unconscious. Plus, he still has that hip injury we caused him" She does have a point, overwhelming emotions mixed with pain in the hip CAN cause exhaustion.

Riley then carefully lays Sonic comfortably on the mattress, his limp head lays tiredly on the old pillow as Riley tucks him in. I could see the sky quickly turning dark. I don't know if the hours are changing early or just the storm clouds covering the sun completely.

I was also feeling a bit tired and sore after fighting those stupid robots. So I slumped in the other mattress and dozed off quickly.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Riley's pov

I looked at Sonic, then at Echo, then back at Sonic. They both looked exhausted. Sonic was understandable due to all the hell he went through but echo, well she's always like that after something extreme.

"Gee, it was like having 2 Echos now" Jacob joked when he saw how much Echo and Sonic have in common already. I just nodded slightly "but my mom is captured by those men" I said "I just don't know what to do. I don't know who I am anymore" I just can't believe those words were coming out of my mouth. I knew I had autism, but this is different! We just took a weird blue hedgehog under our wings and now we got the whole SWAT team after us! "If we're not from students nor average people" I continued "then what are we?" Jacob just turned me with a bland and serious look as he opens his mouth to say: "we're like Toretto now...."

To be continued......

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