[42] Five People

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The five of them were a strange sight, indeed, as they sat together at lunchtime the next day.

And it wasn't planned - it just happened. Because Roman had nowhere to go, Gabriella had literally walked out on her friends, Noor knew more books than people, Sam didn't like being alone, and Fletcher - well, he liked their company.

So here they were at last - intertwined with one another, despite being complete opposites. An encounter no longer forged by fate nor chance, but instead by choice.

One that no one, including themselves, saw coming.

"Are people staring at us?" Roman asked, his head low as he tried to hide himself next to Junko, which was a terrible strategy, considering how Junko was a head shorter than Roman.

"Yes, and they're whispering about us too."

"Noor!" Sam cried.

Noor turned to him and pointed a thumb at the other boy across from her. "What? He asked."

"Ugh, can we talk about something else?" Fletcher begrudgingly intervened.

A look of disbelief passed Junko's features as she raised her eyebrow. "And since when were you one for conversations?"

"I'm not," Fletcher said, gritting his teeth. He casted a quick glance to his side, catching two students stare at them while they passed by their table. His frown deepened. "But it's a good enough distraction from everyone else. Just - someone say something. I'm begging you."

There was a long silence, one that was entirely unbearable as the awkwardness from the atmosphere prickled beneath their skin. But, just when it seemed that all hope was lost, out of the blue, Noor said, "Did you know that giant squids have the largest eyes of any animal on the planet?"

The four of them turn to her almost instantly, confusion written all over their faces.

"You said you wanted someone to talk," Noor answered back. "So I said the first thing that came to mind."

"And the first thing came to your mind were giant squids?"

Around her, the others started snickering. The tip of Noor's ears turned red as she said defensively, "Stop that!"

"Leave it to Noor to turn lunch into a science lesson," Roman joked. Noor kicked him from underneath the table. "Ow!"

"Nice," Sam commented, high-giving Noor. "When'd you learn how to kick like that?"

"I took karate when I was five," Noor said proudly.

"Who would've thought," Junko said, her attention shifting between Noor and Fletcher. Then, suddenly, her eyes grew wide as a mischievous smirk began to form on her lips. "Wait, does that mean two people can kick Roman's ass now?"

Sam grinned. "Oh, definitely."

They snickered some more, and Roman groaned. "Is this going to be a thing now? Teasing me non-stop?"

"Yes," the four of them deadpanned before bursting into a fit of laughter, even Fletcher, who couldn't resist the small tug at the edge of his lip as he watched the others smile beside him.

More people were staring at them now, and pointing accusatory fingers at their table as others talked about the five of them to their friends. But it didn't bother them. Not really. Because they were comfortable around each other. Because they were friends.

A jock. A queen bee. A start student. A loner. And a burnout.

Five people who've never spoken to one another until this year, whose only link was a girl named Thea Banks. Five people who couldn't be any more different, from the way they talked, to what they believed it, to how they lived.

Yet, somehow, it just made sense. And, being where they are now - happy, smiling, and a little less broken than before - they wouldn't have it any other way.


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